
Is there a way to make the correct toggled legends appear when downloading?

我正在使用 c3 图表。我有一个按钮可以使用 canvg 下载它。单击图例时,我也有它的切换栏。下载有效,切换也有效。


我想要的是图例只有在相应的条形图实际显示时才会出现。如果显示他们的栏,我也不希望隐藏图例。 (Legend Shown <=> Bar Shown 种关系)

我过去在使用 IE 时遇到过问题,所以在 https://github.com/c3js/c3/issues/2528 之后显示是 'Block'。

var string = ".c3-legend-item-hidden";//hides legends that are unselected in the download. Will KEEP them hidden even if retoggled :( 

d3.selectAll(string).each(function() {
    var element = this;
    var computedStyle = getComputedStyle(element, null);
    for (var i = 0; i < computedStyle.length; i++) {
        var property = computedStyle.item(i);
        element.style[property] = computedStyle.getPropertyValue(property);

//removing this section makes all legends appear permanently regardless of whether the bar does

预计:a graph that has the correct bars and legends shown in the downloads


(带代码段)hidden legends that do not reappear when needed

(无代码段)legends that are never hidden

更新:澄清一下,这在将图形转换为下载的 svg 文件(添加 xmlns 等)时有效,但在使用 canvg 和下载到 png 文件时无效(这是我需要它做的) .


这个解决方案对我有用('hidden' 图例略微可见,但它现在与我的实际图表完全相同,这是我个人所需要的):

var string = ".c3-legend-item-hidden";

d3.selectAll(string).each(function() {
 //this.style['visibility']='hidden'; // uncomment this out and it will completely hide the legend if that is what you want
 this.style['opacity']= 0.15; 
 // set opacity as 0 to make the legend transparent to the point you can't see it (if that is what you want) 
 // or 0.15 to make it like the chart (as done here and in c3.css)
