Cucumber 中 table.raw 的当前方法是什么
Which is the current method for table.raw in Cucumber
IDEA 不允许我使用 table.raw();
我是 cucumber 的新手,所以当我还是 learning/practising 时,我尝试通过以下代码从 DataTable 获取数据
public void iEnterTheFollowingForLogin(DataTable table) {
List<List<String>> data = table.raw();
System.out.println("The value is : "+ data.get(1).get(0).toString());
System.out.println("The value is : "+ data.get(1).get(1).toString());
我意识到 IDEA 以红色键入原始方法,所以我认为它可能已经过时,现在我应该使用更新的方法。
而不是访问原始 table,您可以直接使用 cell(row, column)
寻址单个单元格或使用 cells()
import io.cucumber.datatable.DataTable;
import java.util.List;
class Scratch {
public static void main(String[] args) {
DataTable data = //...create data table here
System.out.println("The value is : " + data.cell(1, 0));
System.out.println("The value is : " + data.cell(1, 1));
List<List<String>> cells = data.cells();
System.out.println("The value is : " + cells.get(1).get(0));
System.out.println("The value is : " + cells.get(1).get(1));
是的,您将无法再使用 raw() 方法,因为黄瓜 api 不支持新版本的黄瓜,即 io.cucumber。然而,仍然可以将它与旧的 info.cukes 依赖项一起使用。
因此 raw() 的替代方案如 MP 所回答。
Then I should see following sections in my app detail page
|Basic Details|Bank Details|Reconciliation|Summarised Options|Currency Code|
>> The Cucumber step definition for above step should be like belwo-
@Then("I should see following sections in my app detail page")
public void verifySectionsOnDetailPageUI(List<List<String>> dTable) {
//Create your table as below (notice- dataTable declared as- List<List<String>> in method argument above)
DataTable data= DataTable.create(dTable);
// to get number of rows from DataTable
int i=data.cells().size();
// To print entire row's column (iterate via for loop using size if u have more than one row defined in data table
System.out.println("All Cells Data: "+data.cells());
//Read cell by cell data as below, row index to be started from 1 if you have column headings provided in ur table
......... so On .. to be used as per your step's objective .....
Basic Details
Bank Details
IDEA 不允许我使用 table.raw();
我是 cucumber 的新手,所以当我还是 learning/practising 时,我尝试通过以下代码从 DataTable 获取数据
public void iEnterTheFollowingForLogin(DataTable table) {
List<List<String>> data = table.raw();
System.out.println("The value is : "+ data.get(1).get(0).toString());
System.out.println("The value is : "+ data.get(1).get(1).toString());
我意识到 IDEA 以红色键入原始方法,所以我认为它可能已经过时,现在我应该使用更新的方法。
而不是访问原始 table,您可以直接使用 cell(row, column)
寻址单个单元格或使用 cells()
import io.cucumber.datatable.DataTable;
import java.util.List;
class Scratch {
public static void main(String[] args) {
DataTable data = //...create data table here
System.out.println("The value is : " + data.cell(1, 0));
System.out.println("The value is : " + data.cell(1, 1));
List<List<String>> cells = data.cells();
System.out.println("The value is : " + cells.get(1).get(0));
System.out.println("The value is : " + cells.get(1).get(1));
只是想详细解释一下MP的回答,方便别人理解- 是的,您将无法再使用 raw() 方法,因为黄瓜 api 不支持新版本的黄瓜,即 io.cucumber。然而,仍然可以将它与旧的 info.cukes 依赖项一起使用。
因此 raw() 的替代方案如 MP 所回答。
Then I should see following sections in my app detail page
|Basic Details|Bank Details|Reconciliation|Summarised Options|Currency Code|
>> The Cucumber step definition for above step should be like belwo-
@Then("I should see following sections in my app detail page")
public void verifySectionsOnDetailPageUI(List<List<String>> dTable) {
//Create your table as below (notice- dataTable declared as- List<List<String>> in method argument above)
DataTable data= DataTable.create(dTable);
// to get number of rows from DataTable
int i=data.cells().size();
// To print entire row's column (iterate via for loop using size if u have more than one row defined in data table
System.out.println("All Cells Data: "+data.cells());
//Read cell by cell data as below, row index to be started from 1 if you have column headings provided in ur table
......... so On .. to be used as per your step's objective .....
Basic Details
Bank Details