如何避免 activity 和片段中的重复代码?

How to avoid duplicate code in the activity and fragment?

当一个activity启动时,检查其中的条件,如果条件为真,则调用openNewActivity方法,当前的activity结束。但是如果条件为假,则对片段进行转换,在该片段中这个条件可以变为真,然后您需要调用 openNewActivity 方法,该方法定义在 activity 中。我不想在片段中复制此方法,如何从片段中正确实现对此方法的调用?这种情况下的最佳做法是什么?


class FirstActivity : AppCompatActivity(), MyInterface {

     override fun onSomethingDone() { //This function gets called when the condition is true

     override fun onAttachFragment(fragment: Fragment) { //A fragment MUST never know it's an activity, so we exposed fragment interface member to easily initialize it whenever the fragment is attached to the activity.
         when (fragment) {
              is MyFragment -> fragment.myInterface = this


     override fun onCreate() {

    private fun openNewActivity() {
        //opens a new activity    



interface MyInterface {
     fun onSomethingDone()


class MyFragment : Fragment() {
   var myInterface: MyInterface? = null

 override fun onCreate() {
     if (somethingIsTrue)
         myInterface.onSomethingDone() //condition is true, call the interface method to inform the activity that the condition is true and the new activity should be opened.


创建一个界面。由于代码中提到的原因,在 activity 的 onAttachFragment 中初始化片段的接口。这样,用于启动新 activity 的函数仅在 activity 中定义,不需要在片段中重复。