'>' 后的表达式无效

The expression is not valid after '>'

在 Spotfire 中,我创建了一个十字 Table。在 Cross table>Properties>Data>Limit data using expression:> 我输入以下内容: 日期([出院日期])=>'06-01-2019' 我收到错误消息 "The expression is not valid after '>' on line 1 character 19"

我尝试了 Date([Discharge Date])>'06-01-2019 但它仍然不起作用


希望可以在Cross中使用Date([Discharge Date])=>'06-01-2019' table>Properties>Data>Limit data using expression:

enter image description here

我尝试了 Date(2019,6,1) 但仍然收到错误消息。 enter image description here

根据 Spotfire 文档:

Creates a Date from a column or values. If a single argument is given, the input column can be of type String or DateTime. If a String is specified, the date must be written on a form that Spotfire can recognize and all parts of the date (year, month and day) must be present. If three integer arguments are given, then the first argument is the year, the second is the month and the third is the date in that month.

Example: Date([Column]) Date(2007, 05, 17)

将您的日期格式更改为 [Discharge Date] >= Date(2019,06,01),然后重试。