三元图 - 跨组缩放不透明度

Ternary plot - scaling opacity across groups

我正在尝试制作一个等高线三元图,有两组, 其中轮廓的不透明度 (alpha) 是以下函数 点的密度(例如,更多的点紧密聚集 = 不那么透明)。

我卡在了一点上。 我的两个组(此处 AB)的组大小不相等(A = 150 obs,B = 50 obs), 这意味着一组中的点经常聚集得更多, 在这种情况下,B 组的不透明度相对于 组 A,因为 B 组中的点密度要小得多。但看起来不透明度是在组内而不是跨组缩放的。





# example data
df <- data.frame(X = c(runif(150, 0.7, 1),runif(50, 0, 0.3)),
                 Y = c(runif(150, 0, 0.3),runif(50, 0, 0.3)),
                 Z = c(runif(150, 0, 0.5),runif(50, 0.5, 1)),
                 D = c(rep("A", 150), rep("B", 50)))

# ternary plot 
ggtern(df, aes(x = X,y = Y, z = Z, color = D)) +
  stat_density_tern(aes(alpha = ..level.., fill = D), 
                    geom = 'polygon', 
                    bins = 10,
                    color = "grey") +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.5) +
  scale_colour_manual(values = c("tomato3", "turquoise4"))

# points are only displayed to show densities, I don't plan on showing 
# points in the final plot

给定组 B 点的密度要低得多 我希望等高线 比 A.


另一种选择是使用 scale_colour_gradient(),但我不能 查看如何在 单一情节。

我希望我能为您提供一个更简单的答案,但遗憾的是,我没有。但是,通过创建新的统计数据和预定义的休息时间,我找到了一个非常老套的解决方案来解决您的问题。免责声明:我自己不使用ggtern,所以不太了解具体情况。一般来说,问题似乎是密度是按组计算的,密度的积分通常设置为 1。我们可以通过添加一个新的统计数据来解决这个问题。

解决方案似乎非常简单:将计算出的密度乘以组中数据点的数量,得到按比例缩放以反映组大小的密度。唯一的缺点是我们必须更改 bins = 10,这是按组计算的,breaks = seq(start, end, by = somenumber) 使等高线具有绝对而不是相对中断。

然而,ggtern 是一个相当复杂的包,它有自己的特点,很难编写一个新的 stat 函数来工作。存在一个包含 'approved stats' 的列表,ggtern 将删除任何未经其批准的图层。

             identity            confidence          density_tern           smooth_tern 
       "StatIdentity"  "StatConfidenceTern"     "StatDensityTern"      "StatSmoothTern" 
                  sum                unique      interpolate_tern          mean_ellipse 
            "StatSum"          "StatUnique" "StatInterpolateTern"     "StatMeanEllipse" 
             hex_tern              tri_tern
        "StatHexTern"         "StatTriTern"

因此,首要任务是将我们自己的统计数据(我们称之为 StatDensityTern2)添加到已批准的统计数据列表中,但由于此 .approvedstat 在包命名空间,我们必须有点 hacky 才能做到这一点:

approveupdate <- c(ggtern:::.approvedstat, "density_tern2" = "StatDensityTern2")
assignInNamespace(".approvedstat", approveupdate, pos = "package:ggtern")

现在我们可以编写自己的 StatDensityTern2,它继承了 StatDensityTern 的功能,对组的计算方式进行了小幅更新。在编写这个新统计数据时,我们需要注意加载必要的包并正确引用内部函数。我们将主要从现有的 StatDensityTern$compute_group 复制粘贴,但在将数据传递给轮廓函数之前,将 z = as.vector(dens$z) 更改为 z = as.vector(dens$z) * nrow(data) 进行小幅调整。


StatDensityTern2 <-
    compute_group = function(
      self, data, scales, na.rm = FALSE, n = 100, h = NULL,
      bdl = 0, bdl.val = NA, contour = TRUE, base = "ilr", expand = 0.5,
      weight = NULL, bins = NULL, binwidth = NULL, breaks = NULL
    ) {
      if (!c(base) %in% c("identity", "ilr")) 
        stop("base must be either identity or ilr", call. = FALSE)
      raes = self$required_aes
      data[raes] = suppressWarnings(compositions::acomp(data[raes]))
      data[raes][data[raes] <= bdl] = bdl.val[1]
      data = remove_missing(data, vars = self$required_aes, na.rm = na.rm, 
                            name = "StatDensityTern", finite = TRUE)
      if (ggplot2:::empty(data)) 
      coord = coord_tern()
      f = get(base, mode = "function")
      fInv = get(sprintf("%sInv", base), mode = "function")
      if (base == "identity") 
        data = tlr2xy(data, coord, inverse = FALSE, scale = TRUE)
      h = h %||% ggtern:::estimateBandwidth(base, data[which(colnames(data) %in% 
      if (length(h) != 2) 
        h = rep(h[1], 2)
      if (base != "identity" && diff(h) != 0) 
        warning("bandwidth 'h' has different x and y bandwiths for 'ilr', this may (probably will) introduce permutational artifacts depending on the ordering", 
                call. = FALSE)
      data[raes[1:2]] = suppressWarnings(f(as.matrix(data[which(colnames(data) %in% 
      expand = if (length(expand) != 2) 
        rep(expand[1], 2)
      else expand
      rngxy = range(c(data$x, data$y))
      rngx = scales:::expand_range(switch(base, identity = coord$limits$x, 
                                 rngxy), expand[1])
      rngy = scales:::expand_range(switch(base, identity = coord$limits$y, 
                                 rngxy), expand[2])
      dens = ggtern:::kde2d.weighted(data$x, data$y, h = h, n = n, lims = c(rngx, 
                                                                   rngy), w = data$weight)

# Here be relevant changes ------------------------------------------------

      df = data.frame(expand.grid(x = dens$x, y = dens$y), 
                      z = as.vector(dens$z) * nrow(data), 
                      group = data$group[1])

# Here end relevant changes -----------------------------------------------

      if (contour) {
        df = StatContour$compute_panel(df, scales, bins = bins, 
                                       binwidth = binwidth, breaks = breaks)
      else {
        names(df) <- c("x", "y", "density", "group")
        df$level <- 1
        df$piece <- 1
      if (base == "identity") 
        df = tlr2xy(df, coord, inverse = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
      df[raes] = suppressWarnings(fInv(as.matrix(df[which(colnames(df) %in% 



# example data
df <- data.frame(X = c(runif(150, 0.7, 1),runif(50, 0, 0.3)),
                 Y = c(runif(150, 0, 0.3),runif(50, 0, 0.3)),
                 Z = c(runif(150, 0, 0.5),runif(50, 0.5, 1)),
                 D = c(rep("A", 150), rep("B", 50)))

ggtern(df, aes(x = X, y = Y, z = Z, color = D)) +
  geom_polygon(aes(alpha = ..level.., fill = D),
               stat = "DensityTern2",
               breaks = seq(10, 150, by = 10),
               color = "grey") +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.5) +
  scale_colour_manual(values = c("tomato3", "turquoise4"))

