Closure Compiler (soy) - [JSC_BAD_JSDOC_ANNOTATION] 解析错误。非法使用未知的 JSDoc 标签 "consistentIdGenerator"

Closure Compiler (soy) - [JSC_BAD_JSDOC_ANNOTATION] Parse error. illegal use of unknown JSDoc tag "consistentIdGenerator"

升级到最新的 closure compiler jar 后出现此错误:


WARNING - [JSC_BAD_JSDOC_ANNOTATION] Parse error. illegal use of unknown JSDoc tag "consistentIdGenerator"; ignoring it
 * @consistentIdGenerator


根据 my research,您需要将 @consistentIdGenerator 转换为

@idGenerator {consistent}.

似乎 @consistentIdGenerator 已被弃用:

NOTE: There are three deprecated variants: @idGenerator, @consistentIdGenerator, and @stableIdGenerator. These map to @idGenerator {unique}, @idGenerator {consistent}, and @idGenerator {stable}. Support for these will be removed in a future compiler release.