我如何在 C 中调用“@”at 符号引号?

How do I call “@” at-symbol quotation in C?

看过 Fossil 的代码 [https://fossil-scm.org/home/annotate?filename=src/schema.c&checkin=b03652382a327740 L27.. ]:

    ** The database schema for the ~/.fossil configuration database.
    const char zConfigSchema[] =
    @ -- This file contains the schema for the database that is kept in the
    @ -- ~/.fossil file and that stores information about the users setup.
    @ --
    @ CREATE TABLE global_config(
    @   name TEXT PRIMARY KEY,
    @   value TEXT
    @ );
    @ -- Identifier for this file type.
    @ -- The integer is the same as 'FSLG'.
    @ PRAGMA application_id=252006675;

我想知道 @... 语法的用途。我以前从未见过它,也不知道如何调用它来搜索网络。 "string literal extensions in C" 和各种改写都没有结果。



  • Most *.c source files are preprocessed using a program called "translate". The sources to translate are found in src/translate.c. A header comment in src/translate.c explains in detail what it does.

可以直接在 referenced file 中找到更多信息,但它似乎用于更好地处理 C 中的 CGI 功能,特别是生成 HTML。


** Input lines that begin with the "@" character are translated into
** either cgi_printf() statements or string literals and the
** translated code is written on standard output.
** The problem this program is attempt to solve is as follows: When
** writing CGI programs in C, we typically want to output a lot of HTML
** text to standard output. In pure C code, this involves doing a
** printf() with a big string containing all that text. But we have
** to insert special codes (ex: \n and \") for many common characters,
** which interferes with the readability of the HTML.
** This tool allows us to put raw HTML, without the special codes, in
** the middle of a C program. This program then translates the text
** into standard C by inserting all necessary backslashes and other
** punctuation.