如何从数据数组的结构中搜索特定结构并使用 fread 读取?

How to search for specific structure from Structures of data array and read using fread?



   sex = "Male";
   age = 23;

   sex = "Female";
   age = 23;

   sex = "Male";
   age = 25;

我想根据请求获取特定人的数据。例如,我收到了获取 Stephan 数据的请求。我想,首先我需要阅读 person.txt 来搜索 Stephan,然后获取他的信息。我对使用 fread 以正确的方式执行此操作感到困惑。这是我的代码,

struct personS
  int age;
  char sex[7];
} personS;

FILE *fp;
void check_person_data(const char *name, int *age, const char *sex)               
  PersonS *person;

  if((fp=fopen("Person.txt", "r")) == NULL)
    printf("File reading error\n");

  fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
  size = ftell(fp);
  fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
  char buffer[size];

  while(fread(buffer, size, 1, fp) != NULL)
   if((strstr(buffer, name)) != NULL)
     printf("Match found \n");
     fread(&person, sizeof(struct personS), 1, fp);    
     *age = person->age;
     *sex = person->sex;       
    printf("Match not found \n");        

我做了 2 次 fread,一次是搜索字符串,另一次是获取结构。这是正确的做法还是其他更好的方法?

示例似乎是一个文本文件,可以用 fgets()sscanf() 读取。读取文件以查找匹配名称不需要该结构,因此将其省略。一旦读取了值,调用函数就可以将它们放入结构中。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int check_person_data(char *name, int *age, char *sex)
    char buffer[50] = {0};
    FILE *fp;

    if ( ( fp = fopen ( "person.txt", "r")) == NULL) {
        printf ( "file reading error\n");
        return 2;

    while ( fgets ( buffer, sizeof ( buffer), fp)) {
        if ( buffer[0] == '\n') {
            continue;//blank line
        if ( buffer[strlen(buffer)-1] == '\n') {
            buffer[strlen(buffer)-1] = '[=10=]';//remove trailing newline
        if ( strcmp ( buffer, name) == 0) {//found match
            while ( fgets ( buffer, sizeof ( buffer), fp)) {
                if ( strstr ( buffer, "sex")) {//does the line contain sex
                    if ( ( sscanf ( buffer, " %*[^\"\n]\"%6[^;\"\n]", sex)) != 1) {//scan and discard up to a ", scan " and scan up to six characters to next "
                        return 1;//bad record
                if ( strstr ( buffer, "age")) {//does the line contain age
                    if ( ( sscanf ( buffer, " %*[^=\n]=%d", age)) != 1) {// scan and discard up to an =, scan = and scan an integer
                        return 1;//bad record
                if ( strstr ( buffer, "};")) {//does the line contain };
                    break;//found end of record
            return 0;//found the matching name
        else {//did not match. read the remaining lines of record
            while ( fgets ( buffer, sizeof ( buffer), fp)) {
                if ( strstr ( buffer, "};")) {//does the line contain };
                    break;//found end of record
    fclose ( fp);
    return 1;//match not found

int main()
    char name[30] = {0};
    char sex[7] = {0};
    int age = 0;

    strcpy ( name, "stephan");
    if ( ( check_person_data ( name, &age, sex)) == 0) {
        printf ( "name %s age %d sex %s\n", name, age, sex);
    else {
        printf ( "%s not found\n", name);
    return 0;
fread(&person, sizeof(struct personS), 1, fp);  
