使用 VPC 共享从单独的 VPC 访问 AWS DocumentDB?

Accessing AWS DocumentDB from a separate VPC using VPC Sharing?

latest DocumentDB documentation 声明从其本地 VPC 外部访问数据库需要跳转主机:

By design, you access Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) resources from an Amazon EC2 instance within the same Amazon VPC as the Amazon DocumentDB resources. However, suppose that your use case requires that you or your application access your Amazon DocumentDB resources from outside the cluster's Amazon VPC. In that case, you can use SSH tunneling (also known as "port forwarding") to access your Amazon DocumentDB resources.

然而,VPC sharing 似乎允许多个 accounts/VPCs 共享相同的资源。




https://aws.amazon.com/documentdb/faqs/ 部署在 VPC 中的 Amazon DocumentDB 集群可以由部署在同一 VPC 中的 EC2 实例或其他 AWS 服务直接访问。此外,Amazon DocumentDB 可以通过同一区域或其他区域的不同 VPC 中的 EC2 实例或其他 AWS 服务通过 VPC 对等访问。
