如何将 sqlite-jdbc 项目迁移到 java-11;未命名模块从 junit 和 hamcrest.core 中读取包 org.hamcrest

How to migrate sqlite-jdbc project to java-11; the unnamed module reads package org.hamcrest from both junit and hamcrest.core

我无法将我的 maven 项目从 Java 8 迁移到 Java 11。我需要如何解决模块依赖关系?

我已经将模块 module-info.java 和命令行编译定义为 mvn clean install 运行良好,但不能 运行 IntelliJ 中的项目 IDEA.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
         xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">






module etu.wollen.vk {
    requires java.sql;
    requires sqlite.jdbc;
    requires json.simple;
    exports etu.wollen.vk;

我从 IDE 得到一堆错误 运行ning:

Error:java: the unnamed module reads package org.hamcrest from both junit and hamcrest.core
Error:java: the unnamed module reads package org.hamcrest.internal from both junit and hamcrest.core
Error:java: the unnamed module reads package org.hamcrest.core from both junit and hamcrest.core
Error:java: module junit reads package org.hamcrest from both junit and hamcrest.core
Error:java: module junit reads package org.hamcrest.internal from both junit and hamcrest.core
Error:java: module junit reads package org.hamcrest.core from both junit and hamcrest.core
Error:java: module hamcrest.core reads package org.hamcrest from both junit and hamcrest.core
Error:java: module hamcrest.core reads package org.hamcrest.internal from both junit and hamcrest.core
Error:java: module hamcrest.core reads package org.hamcrest.core from both junit and hamcrest.core
Error:java: module json.simple reads package org.hamcrest from both junit and hamcrest.core
Error:java: module json.simple reads package org.hamcrest.internal from both junit and hamcrest.core
Error:java: module json.simple reads package org.hamcrest.core from both junit and hamcrest.core
Error:java: module sqlite.jdbc reads package org.hamcrest from both junit and hamcrest.core
Error:java: module sqlite.jdbc reads package org.hamcrest.internal from both junit and hamcrest.core
Error:java: module sqlite.jdbc reads package org.hamcrest.core from both junit and hamcrest.core
Error:(1, 1) java: module etu.wollen.vk reads package org.hamcrest from both junit and hamcrest.core


