该命令在 Xamarin Prism 中启用按钮

The Command enables the Button in Xamarin Prism

我正在使用 Xamarin Prism,我试图禁用该按钮,但每当我添加它启用的命令时。这是什么?


  Command="{Binding save}"

document of Button.Command Property可以看出:

This property is used to associate a command with an instance of a button. This property is most often set in the MVVM pattern to bind callbacks back into the ViewModel. IsEnabled is controlled by the Command if set.

因此,如果您不设置命令 属性,它将正常工作。

如果设置命令 属性,isEnable 由命令本身控制。



    <local:CommandDemoViewModel />

    <Button Text="Divide by 2"
            Command="{Binding DivideBy2Command}"  


class CommandDemoViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged

    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

    public Command DivideBy2Command { private set; get; }

    public CommandDemoViewModel()
        DivideBy2Command = new Command(()=> performCommandAction(), ()=>isButtonEnable());

    private bool isButtonEnable()

        //Handle the if the button isEnable here
        //Reture ture or false with your own logic here to control the button's isEnabled

        return false;

    private void performCommandAction()
        //Handle the button click logic here 


使用构造函数public Command(Action execute, Func<bool> canExecute);.

您可以通过命令的CanExecute来控制isEnable。在方法 isButtonEnable 中用自己的逻辑返回 ture 或 false 来控制按钮的 isEnabled.