反转 dropout 如何补偿 dropout 的影响并保持预期值不变?

How inverting the dropout compensates the effect of dropout and keeps expected values unchanged?

我正在通过 deeplearning.ai 课程学习神经网络中的正则化。在 dropout 正则化中,教授说如果应用 dropout,计算出的激活值将比不应用 dropout 时(测试时)小。所以我们需要扩展激活以保持测试阶段更简单。


keep_prob = 0.8   # 0 <= keep_prob <= 1
l = 3  # this code is only for layer 3
# the generated number that are less than 0.8 will be dropped. 80% stay, 20% dropped
d3 = np.random.rand(a[l].shape[0], a[l].shape[1]) < keep_prob

a3 = np.multiply(a3,d3)   # keep only the values in d3

# increase a3 to not reduce the expected value of output
# (ensures that the expected value of a3 remains the same) - to solve the scaling problem
a3 = a3 / keep_prob  

在上面的代码中,为什么激活除以 0.8 或者将节点保留在层中的概率 (keep_prob)?任何数值示例都会有所帮助。


我们以 keep_prob 的概率保留任何层中的神经元。假设 keep_prob = 0.6。这意味着关闭任何层中 40% 的神经元。如果在关闭 40% 的神经元之前该层的原始输出是 x,那么在应用 40% 的 dropout 之后,它将 减少 0.4 * x。所以现在它将是 x - 0.4x = 0.6x.



TL;DR:尽管由于 dropout,我们的神经元变少了,但我们希望神经元对输出的贡献与我们拥有所有神经元时的贡献相同。

dropout = 0.20,我们“关闭了 20% 的神经元”,这也等同于“保留了 80% 的神经元”。

假设神经元的数量是x。 “保留80%”具体是0.8 * x。将 x 再次除以 keep_prob 有助于“缩小”到原始值,即 x/0.8:

x = 0.8 * x # x is 80% of what it used to be
x = x/0.8   # x is scaled back up to its original value


当我们将 a3 缩小 keep_prob 时,我们无意中也缩小了 z4 的值(因为 z4 = W4 * a3 + b4)。为了补偿这种缩放,我们需要将它除以 keep_prob,以将其放大。 (Whosebug)

# keep 80% of the neurons
keep_prob = 0.8 
d3 = np.random.rand(a3.shape[0], a3.shape[1]) < keep_prob
a3 = np.multiply(a3, d3)

# Scale it back up
a3 = a3 / keep_prob  

# this way z4 is not affected
z4 = W4 * a3 + b4


With scaling:
Cost after iteration 0: 0.6543912405149825
Cost after iteration 10000: 0.061016986574905605
Cost after iteration 20000: 0.060582435798513114

On the train set:
Accuracy: 0.9289099526066351
On the test set:
Accuracy: 0.95

Without scaling:
Cost after iteration 0: 0.6634619861891963
Cost after iteration 10000: 0.05040089794130624
Cost after iteration 20000: 0.049722351029060516

On the train set:
Accuracy: 0.933649289099526
On the test set:
Accuracy: 0.95
