Entity Framework Core + Spatial Data is Raising SRID not vaild 错误

Entity Framework Core + Spatial Data is Raising SRID not vaild error


ERROR: SqlException: .NET Framework error during routine execution or user-defined aggregate 'geography': System.ArgumentException: 24204: spatial reference identifier (SRID) is not valid. The specified SRID must match one of the supported SRIDs shown in the sys.spatial_reference_systems catalog view.

当我尝试将这样创建的点保存到 SQL 数据库时出现此错误

new Point(it.Lat, it.Lng)

之后我尝试使用 GeometryFactory 像这样的:

    public static class GeometryHelper
        public static IGeometryFactory GeometryFactory { get; set; }
            = NtsGeometryServices.Instance.CreateGeometryFactory();
    geometryFactory.CreatePoint(new Coordinate(it.Lat, it.Lng))


还尝试设置特定的 SRID:

    public static class GeometryHelper
        public static IGeometryFactory GeometryFactory { get; set; }
            = NtsGeometryServices.Instance.CreateGeometryFactory(4326);


SqlException: .NET Framework error during routine execution or user-defined aggregate 'geography': System.FormatException: One of the identified elements has an invalid format. System.FormatException:

发布问题几分钟后就解决了。关于第一个错误,解决它的正确方法是做问题中的内容:创建一个几何工厂并使用 4326 作为 SRID。您必须检查您使用的 SRID 是否在数据库 table (sys.spatial_reference_systems catalog view) 中。显然 4326 是标准的,因为它在 Microsft 文档中。

    public static class GeometryHelper
        public static IGeometryFactory GeometryFactory { get; set; }
            = NtsGeometryServices.Instance.CreateGeometryFactory(4326);


Longitude and Latitude Coordinates in NTS are in terms of X and Y values. To represent longitude and latitude, use X for longitude and Y for latitude. Note that this is backwards from the latitude, longitude format in which you typically see these values.

参考:Spatial in Ef Core


new Point(geoLocation.Longitude, geoLocation.Latitude) { SRID = 4326 }

我只是在创建新的 Point 实例时分配了 SRID,而不是创建、工厂和创建点。