Substrate 中事件存储的成本是多少?

What is the cost of event storage in substrate?



运行时事件由 System module 处理。在您自己的模块中,您通常会实现默认的 deposit_event 函数:


deposit_event: Helper function for depositing an event. The default behavior is to call deposit_event from the System module. However, you can write your own implementation for events in your runtime. To use the default behavior, add fn deposit_event<T>() = default; to your Module.

如果你查看 System module code,你会发现最终调用了一个辅助函数来存储事件:

/// Deposits an event into this block's event record adding this event
/// to the corresponding topic indexes.
/// This will update storage entries that correspond to the specified topics.
/// It is expected that light-clients could subscribe to this topics.

pub fn deposit_event_indexed(topics: &[T::Hash], event: T::Event) { ... }

此函数修改三个存储项目,您可以在系统模块的 decl_storage 中找到这些项目:

/// Events deposited for the current block.
Events get(events): Vec<EventRecord<T::Event, T::Hash>>;

/// The number of events in the `Events<T>` list.
EventCount get(event_count): EventIndex;

/// Mapping between a topic (represented by T::Hash) and a vector of indexes
/// of events in the `<Events<T>>` list.
EventTopics get(event_topics): double_map hasher(blake2_256) (), blake2_256(T::Hash)
            => Vec<(T::BlockNumber, EventIndex)>;

事件故事的最后一部分可以在系统模块的 initialize 函数中找到,其中所有这三个项目都是 "cleaned up":

pub fn initialize( ... ) {

initialize 函数在每个块的开头在 Executive module 中调用,在为任何模块调用 on_initialize 之前:

fn initialize_block_impl(
    block_number: &System::BlockNumber,
    parent_hash: &System::Hash,
    extrinsics_root: &System::Hash,
    digest: &Digest<System::Hash>,
) {
    <system::Module<System>>::initialize(block_number, parent_hash, extrinsics_root, digest);
    <AllModules as OnInitialize<System::BlockNumber>>::on_initialize(*block_number);


  • 运行 deposit_event_indexed 函数。
  • 正在将新项目添加到运行时存储中的两个向量。
  • ...在下一个块的开头清理,因此存储成本不会增加。