父 class 是否总是需要默认或无参数构造函数,即使子 class 已经定义了构造函数?

Does a parent class always need a default or no-argument constructor even if the child class already has a defined constructor?


class Horse {
    private int age;
    Horse(int age) {
        this.age = age;

class Pony extends Horse {
    private int age;
    Pony(int age) { //here compiler complains about no default constructor in parent class
        this.age = age;

我知道当父 class 只有带有参数的构造函数时,您必须为子 class 定义一个构造函数,这就是我所做的。但是,编译器抱怨父 class 没有默认构造函数。

我得出父 class 总是需要默认或无参数构造函数的结论是否正确?如果我希望父子 class 只有带参数的构造函数怎么办?

Am I right to conclude that a parent class always needs a default or no-arg constructor?



class Pony extends Horse {
    Pony(int age) {


要使其编译为您需要调用 super(int) 而不是隐式调用 super()

Pony(int age) {
    this.age = age;

然后您可能会注意到 HorsePony 具有完全相同的字段,其中包含完全相同的数据。为什么 Pony 需要字段 age 如果 class Pony 基于 (Horse) 已经定义了这个字段?

Pony(int age) {

这是继承的美妙之处:您可以使用任何已经写在基础中的东西 class。

However, the compiler complains that the parent class has no default constructor.

它抱怨是因为,正如我上面提到的,它无法调用 super()

If a constructor body does not begin with an explicit constructor invocation and the constructor being declared is not part of the primordial class Object, then the constructor body implicitly begins with a superclass constructor invocation "super();", an invocation of the constructor of its direct superclass that takes no arguments.


What if I want the parent and child class to only have constructors with parameters?

那么子 class 应该总是明确说明它想调用父的构造函数。

Am I right to conclude that a parent class always needs a default or no-arg constructor?

不,只要其子项不调用 super().

,父项 class 就可以没有默认构造函数