如何从 nodemailer 发送邮件,附加由 firebase 云函数托管的 excel4node 编写的 .xlsx

How to send mail from nodemailer that attach the .xlsx that written by excel4node hosting by firebase cloud function

我想从附有从 excel4node 库编写的 .xlsx 的 nodemailer 发送邮件。我不知道怎么做,但我可以单独做这两件事。

我尝试写入文件并存储为临时文件,然后再次打开文件,但 firebase 弹出错误 Error: EROFS: read-only file system, open


我明白了!!!使用 excel4node 的写入缓冲区,然后将它们发送到附件的内容

const xl = require('excel4node');

async sendMail(data) {
var wb = new xl.Workbook();
var ws = wb.addWorksheet('SHEET_NAME');
ws.cell(1, 1).string('ALL YOUR EXCEL SHEET FILE CONTENT');
let buffer_xlsx = await wb.writeToBuffer();

// in the option header of nodeMailer
header: {
    from: 'abc@example.com',
    to: 'xyz@example.com',
    subject: 'Excel File',
    attachments = [
        filename: 'report_' + filename + '.xlsx',
        content: buffer_xlsx,