按值对 linq 结果进行分组,按空字符串对空值或无效值进行分组

Group linq results by value and group null or invalid values by empty string

我正在尝试按部分邮政编码分组,如果有任何邮政编码为空或少于 3 个字符,则将它们分组为“”


此外,QBModel.ResultsTable 是一个动态列表,CallerZipCode 是一个 char(10),因此具有有效值的内容可能是“96701-----”

  var newset = (from rst in QBModel.ResultsTable
          group rst by rst.CallerZipCode.Substring(0, 3) into newGroup
          select new DataSourceRecord()
            State = ToTitleCase(newGroup.Select(i => i.CallerState).FirstOrDefault()),
            ZipCode = newGroup.Where(z => z.CallerZipCode.StartsWith(newGroup.Key)).Select(x => x.CallerZipCode.Substring(0, 3)).FirstOrDefault()

这是我发现的可为 null 的比较器,但如果我要检查少于 2 个字符的邮政编码,则可能需要工作:

public class NullableComparer<T> : IEqualityComparer<T?> where T : struct
    public bool Equals(T? x, T? y)
        if (x == null || y == null)
            return false;
        return x.Equals(y);

    public int GetHashCode(T? obj)
        return obj.GetHashCode();




  var newset = (from rst in QBModel.ResultsTable
          group rst by rst.CallerZipCode == null || rst.CallerZipCode.Trim().Length() < 3 ? "<null>" : rst.CallerZipCode.Substring(0, 3) into newGroup
          select new DataSourceRecord()
            State = ToTitleCase(newGroup.Select(i => i.CallerState).FirstOrDefault()),
            ZipCode = newGroup.Where(z => z.CallerZipCode.StartsWith(newGroup.Key)).Select(x => x.CallerZipCode.Substring(0, 3)).FirstOrDefault()


您想按邮政编码分组,但如果邮政编码为 null 或为空或长度少于 3 个字符,您希望将它们放入组 "<null>"


  var newset = (from rst in QBModel.ResultsTable
          group rst by GetGroupRepresentation(rst.CallerZipCode) into newGroup
          select new DataSourceRecord()
            // ...

GetGroupRepresentation 的以下实现:

private string GetGroupRepresentation(string zipCode)
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(zipCode) || zipCode.Length < 3)
        return "<null>";

    return zipCode;

我不明白你为什么要使用 Substring-method 或 StartsWith-method,所以我把它删除了。


static void Main(string[] args)
    var zipcodes = new List<string> { "1234", "4321", null, "", "12" };

    // LINQ Query Syntax
    var groups = from code in zipcodes
                 group code by GetGroupRepresentation(code) into formattedCode
                 select formattedCode;

    // I think this is easier to read in LINQ Method Syntax.
    // var groups = zipcodes.GroupBy(code => GetGroupRepresentation(code));

private static string GetGroupRepresentation(string zipCode)
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(zipCode) || zipCode.Length < 3)
        return "<null>";

    return zipCode;