我有 2 个 random.randint 值,如何让第二个值出现?

I have 2 random.randint values, how do I make the 2nd one come up?

显然我犯了很多错误,我对 Python 还很陌生,所以这就是原因。

我在 if 语句中有一个 random.randint,在 elif 语句中有另一个。但是即使我将我的输入输入到应该带我到第二个答案的答案中,第一个也会出现(例如 prank)。


import random
LOL = raw_input('Do you want a meme or a prank idea? ')
if LOL == 'meme' or 'Meme' or 'MEME':
x = random.randint(1, 5)
    if x == 1:
    elif x == 2:
    elif x == 3:
        print('I got the horses in the back')
    elif x == 4:
        print('AND HIS NAME IS JOHN CENA!!!!')
    elif x == 5:
        print('IT\'S OVER 9000!')
  elif LOL == 'prank' or 'Prank' or 'PRANK':
        y = random.randint(1, 3)
    if y == 1:
        print('Replace their Oreo frosting with toothpaste.')
    elif y == 2:
        print('Blast into their room with an air horn.')
    elif y == 3:
        print('Blast the FBI meme on a loud speaker on max volume')

它甚至在我写 "prank" 时也显示了模因之一,我认为这是因为 random.randint 无论如何都会出现,因为它是第一个,所以它先出现并与第二个重叠 random.randint.

您使用 or 运算符的方式有误


import random
LOL = raw_input('Do you want a meme or a prank idea? ')
if LOL == 'meme' or LOL == 'Meme' or LOL == 'MEME':
  x = random.randint(1, 5)
  if x == 1:
  elif x == 2:
  elif x == 3:
    print('I got the horses in the back')
  elif x == 4:
    print('AND HIS NAME IS JOHN CENA!!!!')
  elif x == 5:
    print('IT\'S OVER 9000!')
elif LOL == 'prank' or LOL == 'Prank' or LOL == 'PRANK':
  y = random.randint(1, 3)
  if y == 1:
    print('Replace their Oreo frosting with toothpaste.')
  elif y == 2:
    print('Blast into their room with an air horn.')
  elif y == 3:
    print('Blast the FBI meme on a loud speaker on max volume')


Do you want a meme or a prank idea? prank
Blast the FBI meme on a loud speaker on max volume

猜猜random.choice这里更合适? =)

import random

LOL = input("Do you want a meme or a prank idea? ")

prank_or_meme = {
    "meme": [
        "I got the horses in the back",
        "AND HIS NAME IS JOHN CENA!!!!",
        "IT'S OVER 9000!",
    "prank": [
        "Replace their Oreo frosting with toothpaste.",
        "Blast into their room with an air horn.",
        "Blast the FBI meme on a loud speaker on max volume",

default = ["Philosoraptor: I don't know, may be it\'s a joke?"]

values = prank_or_meme.get(LOL.lower(), default)


if LOL == 'Meme' or LOL == 'meme' or LOL == "MEME":

您应该改用名为 lowerupper 的方法,如下所示:

if LOL.lower() == 'meme':


if LOL.upper() == 'MEME':


import random
LOL = raw_input('Do you want a meme or a prank idea? ')
if LOL == 'meme' or 'Meme' or 'MEME':
    x = random.randint(1, 5)
    if x == 1:
    elif x == 2:
    elif x == 3:
        print('I got the horses in the back')
    elif x == 4:
        print('AND HIS NAME IS JOHN CENA!!!!')
    elif x == 5:
        print('IT\'S OVER 9000!')
elif LOL == 'prank' or 'Prank' or 'PRANK':
    y = random.randint(1, 3)
    if y == 1:
        print('Replace their Oreo frosting with toothpaste.')
    elif y == 2:
        print('Blast into their room with an air horn.')
    elif y == 3:
        print('Blast the FBI meme on a loud speaker on max volume')

为什么你的不起作用?因为 if 收到一个布尔值并且文本字符串被读取为真值,所以当您这样做时:

if 'Im a string':
    print('I will be printed')

文本已打印。尝试使用我的上述建议。 @John Coleman 和@jonrsharpe 是对的。