Updated to Unity version 2019.1.12f1 and now have 62 errors
已更新至 2019.1.12f1,现在有 62 个错误。项目之前没有错误。
更新至 2019.1.12f1
从 2018.2.10f1 更新到 2019.1.12f1.
大多数错误是与 UI 元素相关的程序集引用。
Unity 版本 2019.1.12f1_f04f5427219e
计算机:MB Pro Intel Core i5 2.7 GHz 8 GB; Intel Iris Graphics 6100 1536 MB ; Mac OS X
预计该项目以前运行良好并且可以在新版本中正常运行,不会出现 62 错误。
对于那些感兴趣的人,Unity 回答了错误报告并且修复清除了所有错误。解决方案如下。
Hi,Thanks for reaching out to us!
It looks like the issue is caused by the Unity Recorder. The scripts used by it are referencing Libraries that were either changed or deleted. Perhaps you have installed the Recorder from the Asset Store before upgrading?
Deleting Unity Recorder folder from the Assets gets rid of the errors. I have then re-installed the Recorder via Package Manager and this seems to resolve the issue.
Please let me know if this helps.
If you have any further questions feel free to add them in your reply.
Best regards,
Customer QA Team
已更新至 2019.1.12f1,现在有 62 个错误。项目之前没有错误。
发生了什么: 更新至 2019.1.12f1
我们如何重现它: 从 2018.2.10f1 更新到 2019.1.12f1.
大多数错误是与 UI 元素相关的程序集引用。
许可证类型:专业版 错误报告。案例编号:1172477 Unity 版本 2019.1.12f1_f04f5427219e 计算机:MB Pro Intel Core i5 2.7 GHz 8 GB; Intel Iris Graphics 6100 1536 MB ; Mac OS X
预计该项目以前运行良好并且可以在新版本中正常运行,不会出现 62 错误。
对于那些感兴趣的人,Unity 回答了错误报告并且修复清除了所有错误。解决方案如下。
Hi,Thanks for reaching out to us!
It looks like the issue is caused by the Unity Recorder. The scripts used by it are referencing Libraries that were either changed or deleted. Perhaps you have installed the Recorder from the Asset Store before upgrading?
Deleting Unity Recorder folder from the Assets gets rid of the errors. I have then re-installed the Recorder via Package Manager and this seems to resolve the issue.
Please let me know if this helps.
If you have any further questions feel free to add them in your reply.
Best regards, Gytis Customer QA Team