删除缩进块引用内的 table 缩进到整个正文宽度

Remove table indent inside indented blockquote to full body width

我正在尝试解决我的 HTML+CSS 的问题,以删除 blockquote 标记内的 table 的缩进。在这个 table 之后还有一些文本应该缩进,所以我不能把 table 从 blockquote 标签中去掉。



但我想删除 table 的缩进 Like:

这是我生成的 HTML 代码(我们系统中的用户正在使用 TinyMCE 生成报告,然后将其转换为 PDF):

blockquote.numbered-contents::before {
    counter-increment: section;
    content: counters(section, ".") " ";
blockquote {
    font-weight: bold;
article {
    font-weight: normal;
  <blockquote class="numbered-contents" id="734">Health, safety and environment<article class="mceEditable">&nbsp;</article>
  <section class="mceNonEditable">
      <blockquote class="numbered-contents" data-parent_id="734" data-report_template_items_id="53" id="712">Monthly report:
          <article class="mceEditable">
              <table border="0" class=" tinymce-table-border-bw" width="100%">
                          <td>Average number of personnel on site</td>

                          <td>Reportable incidents</td>
                          <td>Lost time incidents</td>
                          <td>Minor NLT incidents</td>
                          <td>Near Miss</td>
              <div>Number of Tool Box Talks in the month: 2</div>
              <div>H&amp;S Inspections: 1</div>



<blockquote class="numbered-contents" id="734">Health, safety and environment<article class="mceEditable">&nbsp;</article>
<section class="mceNonEditable">
    <blockquote class="numbered-contents" data-parent_id="734" data-report_template_items_id="53" id="712">Monthly report:
  <article class="mceEditable">
            <table border="0" class=" tinymce-table-border-bw" width="100%">
                        <td>Average number of personnel on site</td>

                        <td>Reportable incidents</td>
                        <td>Lost time incidents</td>
                        <td>Minor NLT incidents</td>
                        <td>Near Miss</td>
            <blockquote class="numbered-contents">Monthly report:
            <div>Number of Tool Box Talks in the month: 2</div>
            <div>H&amp;S Inspections: 1</div>

您可以在 blockquote 内的 article 内的 table 上使用 margin-left: (some negative value)

blockquote.numbered-contents::before {
    counter-increment: section;
    content: counters(section, ".") " ";
blockquote {
    font-weight: bold;
article {
    font-weight: normal;

blockquote article table {
    margin-left: -44px;
  <blockquote class="numbered-contents" id="734">Health, safety and environment<article class="mceEditable">&nbsp;</article>
  <section class="mceNonEditable">
      <blockquote class="numbered-contents" data-parent_id="734" data-report_template_items_id="53" id="712">Monthly report:
          <article class="mceEditable">
              <table border="0" class=" tinymce-table-border-bw" width="100%">
                          <td>Average number of personnel on site</td>

                          <td>Reportable incidents</td>
                          <td>Lost time incidents</td>
                          <td>Minor NLT incidents</td>
                          <td>Near Miss</td>
              <div>Number of Tool Box Talks in the month: 2</div>
              <div>H&amp;S Inspections: 1</div>

您需要使用什么值将取决于您的浏览器在其 默认样式表[=]中为 blockquote 使用的默认边距或填充33=]。
如果您还为 blockquote 元素定义自己的边距或填充,然后将这些值的负和用于 table.


根据建议,尤其是来自 Peter 的建议,对我有用的解决方案是:

blockquote {
    margin-right: 0;
    margin-left: 40px;
    width: 100%;

main section blockquote section blockquote article.mceEditable table {
    margin-left: -40px !important;

main section blockquote section blockquote section blockquote 
article.mceEditable table {
    margin-left: -80px !important;

    display: table;
    width: 100%;