SCSS / SASS:如何在每个循环内创建变量

SCSS / SASS : How to create variables inside an each loop

在我的 SASS 代码中,我有一个包含所有颜色的数组,然后我创建了一个 each 循环来从这些颜色创建 css 变量,最后我想做另一个循环来创建这些 css 颜色的每个 sass 变量...让我告诉你:

**********************   COULEURS   *************************
$colors : (
    "pink"     : #E20071,
    "blue"     : #00A3DA,
    "gray"     : #939394,
    "darkGray" : #939394,
    "yellow"   : #FEA347,
    "green"    : #4CA66B,
    "white"    : #FFFFFF,
    "black"    : #1B1B1B,

    @each $key, $value in $colors {
        --#{$key} : #{$value};

$pink     : var(--pink);
$blue     : var(--blue);
$gray     : var(--gray);
$yellow   : var(--yellow);
$green    : var(--green);
$white    : var(--white);
$black    : var(--black);
$darkGray : var(--darkGray);


@each $key, $value in $colors {
    $#{$key} : var(--#{$key});

但是它给我一个错误:Invalid CSS after "...ue in $colors {": expected 1 selector or at-rule, was "$#{$key} : var(--#{" in /home/simon/Documents/HL3/URSELF/app/src/variables.scss (line 28, column 32)


//Assigning Colors

$DeepKoamaru: rgba(16, 38, 111, 0.85);
$Mariner: rgba(41, 128, 185, 0.85);
$Gumbo: rgba(136, 160, 168, 0.85);
$Blackberry: rgba(77, 1, 53, 0.85);
$RoseBudCherry: rgba(150, 0, 57, 0.85);
$Bouquet: rgba(140, 102, 127, 0.85);
$Chocolate: rgba(60, 0, 0, 0.85);
$DarkBurgundy: rgba(107, 0, 15, 0.85);
$AlizarinCrimson: rgba(165, 107, 104, 0.85);

$brand-colors: $DeepKoamaru, $Mariner, $Gumbo, $Blackberry, $RoseBudCherry, $Bouquet, $Chocolate, $DarkBurgundy, $AlizarinCrimson;

@for $i from 1 through 9 {

.color-#{$i}-bar {

      header {

          .logo {
              svg {
                  color: nth($brand-colors, $i);

          .menu {

              svg {
                  color: nth($brand-colors, $i);

              .nav-items {

                  ul {

                      li {

                          a {

                              &:hover {
                                  color: nth($brand-colors, $i);



如评论中Flying所述Sass不支持创建动态变量。 如果在 $colors 映射

中找到 CSS 变量,我想我会使用一个函数来 return
$colors : (
    "pink"     : #E20071,
    "blue"     : #00A3DA,
    "gray"     : #939394,
    "darkGray" : #939394,
    "yellow"   : #FEA347,
    "green"    : #4CA66B,
    "white"    : #FFFFFF,
    "black"    : #1B1B1B,

    @each $key, $value in $colors {
        --#{$key} : #{$value};

@function color($name){
    @if not map-get($colors, $name+''){
        @error "Color `#{$name}` not found in map $colors";
    @return var(--#{unquote($name)});

.class-name {
    color: color(pink);  //  var(--pink);
    color: color(nope);  //  throws error: "Color `nope` not found in map $colors"

//  note! we stringify $name (the +'' part) to ensure Sass does not interpret
//  it as a color – e.g. pink represents the hex value #ffc0cb