How can I assign a value to a color slider from three menu items in an option menu?
我正在制作装配工具,我想使用滑块为左右控制器分配不同的颜色。这个想法是从菜单中 select en item 并获得它的颜色。但目前它只在第一个项目和 none 其他项目上工作。
我的代码在class里面,此时我有window,select一个关节的函数和一个改变颜色的函数。我正在查询选项菜单的 selection。三个条件使用此信息为每个菜单项设置颜色。但是,它只适用于第一个选项, none 其他两个。我尝试执行相同的代码,但没有 class 只是定义函数并且它有效。我在 class 里面做错了什么?我是 python 的新人,这是我第一次做响铃工具。
import maya.cmds as cmds
import maya.OpenMaya as om
import maya.mel as mel
import sys
import math
class rigCreator:
def __init__(self, *args):
self.window = "uiWindow"
self.title = "Rigging Tool Bipeds"
self.winSize = (150, 200)
def createUI(self, *args):
#check if window and prefs exist. If yes, delete
if cmds.window(self.window, ex=True):
cmds.deleteUI(self.window, wnd=True)
elif cmds.windowPref(self.window, ex=True):
cmds.windowPref(self.window, r=True)
self.window = cmds.window(self.window, t=self.title, wh = self.winSize, s=1, mnb=1, mxb=1)
self.mainForm = cmds.formLayout(nd=100)
self.tagLine= cmds.text(label = "Rig Tool")
cmds.frameLayout(label="1. Choose the root joint")
self.Layout = cmds.columnLayout(adj=1)
#Add a saparator to the window
# button to select the first joint
cmds.rowColumnLayout (nc = 2, cs=[(1,6), (2,6)])
rootBt = cmds.textField ('rootJnt', tx = 'First joint of your Arm chain', w = 250)
#cmds.textFieldButtonGrp('rootJnt', width=380, cal=(8, "center"), cw3=(100, 200, 75), h=40, pht="First joint of your Arm chain", l="First Joint", bl="Select", bc = lambda x: findJnt(), p=self.Layout)
cmds.button(l = 'Select', c = lambda x:self.findJnt())
frame = cmds.frameLayout("2. Name options", lv=1, li=1, w=250)
#cmds.text(label="", align = "left")
cmds.rowColumnLayout(nc=4, cs=[(1,6), (2,6), (3,6), (4,6)])
#cmds.text('Side', l='Side:')
cmds.optionMenu('Part_Side', l='Side:', cc=lambda x:self.colorChange(), acc=1, ni=1)
cmds.text('Part', l='Part:')
frame2 = cmds.frameLayout("3. Type of rig", lv=True, li=1, w=250)
cmds.rowColumnLayout(nc=3, cs=[(1,6), (2,6), (3,6)])
cmds.radioCollection("limb side")
cmds.radioButton(label='IK/FK', select=True)
frame3 = cmds.frameLayout("4. Thick if you want to apply stretch", lv=True, li=1, w=250)
cmds.rowColumnLayout(nc=1, cs=[(1,6)])
cmds.checkBox( label='Stretchy limb', align='center' )
frame4 = cmds.frameLayout("5. Pick icon color", lv=True, li=1, w=250)
cmds.gridLayout(nr=1, nc=5, cwh=[62,20])
cmds.iconTextButton('darkBlue_Btn', bgc=[.000,.016,.373])
cmds.iconTextButton('lightBlue_Btn', bgc=[0,0,1])
cmds.iconTextButton('Brown_Btn', bgc=[.537,.278,.2])
cmds.iconTextButton('red_Btn', bgc=[1,0,0])
cmds.iconTextButton('Yellow_Btn', bgc=[1,1,0])
colorBt = cmds.colorIndexSliderGrp('rigColor', w=250, h=50, cw2=(150,0), min=0, max=31, v=7)
#This button will creat the chain of joins with streatch and squach
cmds.button('b_create', label='Create', h=30, c='create()')
#show the window
def findJnt(self, *args):
self.root = cmds.ls(sl=True)
if len(self.root) == 1:
selRoot = self.root[0]
rootBt = cmds.textField ('rootJnt', e=1, tx=selRoot)
cmds.warning ('Please select only the first joint!')
def colorChange(self, *args):
self.limbSide = cmds.optionMenu('Part_Side', q=1, sl=1)
if self.limbSide ==1:
self.sideColor = 7
if self.limbSide == 2:
self.sideColor = 14
if self.limbSide ==3:
self.sideColor = 18
colorBt = cmds.colorIndexSliderGrp('rigColor', e=1, v=self.sideColor)
def partBody(self, *args):
def rigType(self, *args):
我只是清理了 lambda 和逗号函数,它按预期工作。
因为你似乎不熟悉 maya ui/class,我用一些以 DW 开头的行注释清理了你的整个脚本:
因此,您可以找到如何更轻松地管理 Maya ui!
import maya.cmds as cmds
import maya.OpenMaya as om
import maya.mel as mel
import sys
import math
from functools import partial
def create(rigType, sideColor, isStretch, *args):
# DW : refreshed every time by property that is executing before being passed
if rigType == 0:
print('IK/FK mode')
elif rigType == 1:
print('IK mode')
elif rigType == 2:
print('FK mode')
# DW : in this state of the script, it will return always 7 because there is no refresh query
# so you can see to pass outside your class some arguments
# below an example for an alternative of property
print('color picked is {}'.format(sideColor))
# DW : in this example the function for getting the status is passed
# it is different from property because we still use to execute the command
if isStretch():
print('rig is stretchy')
print('no stretch')
# Dw : note that if you create an instance of your window inside a variable :
# ui = rigCreator()
# ui.ikfkPick is something you can print at any moment to debug
# any variable with 'self' would be replaced by 'ui' in this case
class rigCreator:
# DW : default colour, self don't need to be specify but it is like so
# personally I put the important parameters or parameters that set default values on top
# it is easier when parsing the code few month later
sideColor = 7 #: DW : don't hesitate to do inline comment to say this is RED color (im followng google doctstring https://sphinxcontrib-napoleon.readthedocs.io/en/latest/example_google.html)
isStretch = 0
ikfkPick = 0 #: pick IK/FK option, 1 for IK, 2 for FK
def __init__(self, *args):
self.window = "uiWindow"
self.title = "Rigging Tool Bipeds"
self.winSize = (150, 200)
def createUI(self):
# DW : only put *args if you are using maya command flags, otherwise no need
#check if window and prefs exist. If yes, delete
if cmds.window(self.window, ex=True):
cmds.deleteUI(self.window, wnd=True)
elif cmds.windowPref(self.window, ex=True):
cmds.windowPref(self.window, r=True)
self.window = cmds.window(self.window, t=self.title, wh = self.winSize, s=1, mnb=1, mxb=1)
self.mainForm = cmds.formLayout(nd=100)
self.tagLine= cmds.text(label = "Rig Tool")
cmds.frameLayout(label="1. Choose the root joint")
self.Layout = cmds.columnLayout(adj=1)
#Add a saparator to the window
# button to select the first joint
cmds.rowColumnLayout (nc = 2, cs=[(1,6), (2,6)])
self.tf_rootBt = cmds.textField ('rootJnt', tx = 'First joint of your Arm chain', w = 250)
#cmds.textFieldButtonGrp('rootJnt', width=380, cal=(8, "center"), cw3=(100, 200, 75), h=40, pht="First joint of your Arm chain", l="First Joint", bl="Select", bc = lambda x: findJnt(), p=self.Layout)
# DW : use lambda only to parse arguments, the better way to not make confusion is to use partial module
cmds.button(l = 'Select', c = self.findJnt)
frame = cmds.frameLayout("2. Name options", lv=1, li=1, w=250)
#cmds.text(label="", align = "left")
cmds.rowColumnLayout(nc=4, cs=[(1,6), (2,6), (3,6), (4,6)])
#cmds.text('Side', l='Side:')
# DW : string naming can be dangerous, if another script create this type of name, it will conflict
# put your ctrl name into a variable or a class variable if you are using it somewhere else
# Same don't use lambda if you are not parsing arguments
self.om_partside = cmds.optionMenu('Part_Side', l='Side:', cc=self.colorChange, acc=1, ni=1)
cmds.text('Part', l='Part:')
frame2 = cmds.frameLayout("3. Type of rig", lv=True, li=1, w=250)
cmds.rowColumnLayout(nc=3, cs=[(1,6), (2,6), (3,6)])
# DW :conforming to the default user settings on top of the class
# demonstrate property in class
self.rc_ikfk = cmds.radioCollection("limb side")
for x, lb in enumerate(['IK/FK', 'IK', 'FK']):
if x == self.ikfkPick:
defvalue = True
defvalue = False
cmds.radioButton(label=lb, select=defvalue)
frame3 = cmds.frameLayout("4. Thick if you want to apply stretch", lv=True, li=1, w=250)
cmds.rowColumnLayout(nc=1, cs=[(1,6)])
# DW : adding default value, class variable naming
self.ckb_stretch = cmds.checkBox( label='Stretchy limb', align='center', value=self.isStretch, cc=self.getStretch)
frame4 = cmds.frameLayout("5. Pick icon color", lv=True, li=1, w=250)
cmds.gridLayout(nr=1, nc=5, cwh=[62,20])
cmds.iconTextButton('darkBlue_Btn', bgc=[.000,.016,.373])
cmds.iconTextButton('lightBlue_Btn', bgc=[0,0,1])
cmds.iconTextButton('Brown_Btn', bgc=[.537,.278,.2])
cmds.iconTextButton('red_Btn', bgc=[1,0,0])
cmds.iconTextButton('Yellow_Btn', bgc=[1,1,0])
self.sl_colorBt = cmds.colorIndexSliderGrp('rigColor', w=250, h=50, cw2=(150,0), min=0, max=31, v= self.sideColor)
#This button will creat the chain of joins with streatch and squach
# DW : never use comma for executing some function, if you use this script as a module afterward, you will have problems dealing with python namespacing
# maya is always passing a default argument True, so put *args in any command that is used by your ui controls
cmds.button('b_create', label='Create', h=30, c=partial(create, self.rigType, self.sideColor, self.getStretch))
#show the window
def findJnt(self, *args):
self.root = cmds.ls(sl=True, type='joint', l=True)
# DW : just becaue I was toying around the concept of root, sorry... ignor below
rootAbove = [i for i in self.root[0].split('|')[1:] if cmds.nodeType(i) == 'joint']
if rootAbove[0] != self.root[0].split('|')[-1]:
cmds.warning('you didn\'t choose the top joint !')
if len(self.root) == 1:
selRoot = self.root[0]
# DW : you dont have to store your edit, use class variable instead of string name
cmds.textField (self.tf_rootBt, e=1, tx=selRoot.split('|')[-1])
cmds.warning ('Please select only the first joint!')
def colorChange(self, *args):
# DW : you don't need to put self on limbSide has you are not using it anywhere else
limbSide = cmds.optionMenu(self.om_partside, q=1, sl=1)
# DW : putting some elif
if limbSide == 1:
self.sideColor = 7
elif limbSide == 2:
self.sideColor = 14
elif limbSide ==3:
self.sideColor = 18
# DW : conforming editing controls
cmds.colorIndexSliderGrp(self.sl_colorBt, e=1, v=self.sideColor)
def partBody(self, *args):
def rigType(self):
int: option selected in ui'''
# DW : demonstrating property usage and partial
rb = cmds.radioCollection(self.rc_ikfk, q=True, select=True)
cia = [i.split('|')[-1] for i in cmds.radioCollection(self.rc_ikfk, q=True, cia=True)]
return cia.index(rb)
def getStretch(self, *args):
"""function to get if the user need stretchy things
*args is just here to bypass maya default added True argument
bool: use stretch or not
# dw making some example function with some docstring
self.isStretch = cmds.checkBox(self.ckb_stretch, q=True, value=True)
return self.isStretch
我正在制作装配工具,我想使用滑块为左右控制器分配不同的颜色。这个想法是从菜单中 select en item 并获得它的颜色。但目前它只在第一个项目和 none 其他项目上工作。
我的代码在class里面,此时我有window,select一个关节的函数和一个改变颜色的函数。我正在查询选项菜单的 selection。三个条件使用此信息为每个菜单项设置颜色。但是,它只适用于第一个选项, none 其他两个。我尝试执行相同的代码,但没有 class 只是定义函数并且它有效。我在 class 里面做错了什么?我是 python 的新人,这是我第一次做响铃工具。
import maya.cmds as cmds
import maya.OpenMaya as om
import maya.mel as mel
import sys
import math
class rigCreator:
def __init__(self, *args):
self.window = "uiWindow"
self.title = "Rigging Tool Bipeds"
self.winSize = (150, 200)
def createUI(self, *args):
#check if window and prefs exist. If yes, delete
if cmds.window(self.window, ex=True):
cmds.deleteUI(self.window, wnd=True)
elif cmds.windowPref(self.window, ex=True):
cmds.windowPref(self.window, r=True)
self.window = cmds.window(self.window, t=self.title, wh = self.winSize, s=1, mnb=1, mxb=1)
self.mainForm = cmds.formLayout(nd=100)
self.tagLine= cmds.text(label = "Rig Tool")
cmds.frameLayout(label="1. Choose the root joint")
self.Layout = cmds.columnLayout(adj=1)
#Add a saparator to the window
# button to select the first joint
cmds.rowColumnLayout (nc = 2, cs=[(1,6), (2,6)])
rootBt = cmds.textField ('rootJnt', tx = 'First joint of your Arm chain', w = 250)
#cmds.textFieldButtonGrp('rootJnt', width=380, cal=(8, "center"), cw3=(100, 200, 75), h=40, pht="First joint of your Arm chain", l="First Joint", bl="Select", bc = lambda x: findJnt(), p=self.Layout)
cmds.button(l = 'Select', c = lambda x:self.findJnt())
frame = cmds.frameLayout("2. Name options", lv=1, li=1, w=250)
#cmds.text(label="", align = "left")
cmds.rowColumnLayout(nc=4, cs=[(1,6), (2,6), (3,6), (4,6)])
#cmds.text('Side', l='Side:')
cmds.optionMenu('Part_Side', l='Side:', cc=lambda x:self.colorChange(), acc=1, ni=1)
cmds.text('Part', l='Part:')
frame2 = cmds.frameLayout("3. Type of rig", lv=True, li=1, w=250)
cmds.rowColumnLayout(nc=3, cs=[(1,6), (2,6), (3,6)])
cmds.radioCollection("limb side")
cmds.radioButton(label='IK/FK', select=True)
frame3 = cmds.frameLayout("4. Thick if you want to apply stretch", lv=True, li=1, w=250)
cmds.rowColumnLayout(nc=1, cs=[(1,6)])
cmds.checkBox( label='Stretchy limb', align='center' )
frame4 = cmds.frameLayout("5. Pick icon color", lv=True, li=1, w=250)
cmds.gridLayout(nr=1, nc=5, cwh=[62,20])
cmds.iconTextButton('darkBlue_Btn', bgc=[.000,.016,.373])
cmds.iconTextButton('lightBlue_Btn', bgc=[0,0,1])
cmds.iconTextButton('Brown_Btn', bgc=[.537,.278,.2])
cmds.iconTextButton('red_Btn', bgc=[1,0,0])
cmds.iconTextButton('Yellow_Btn', bgc=[1,1,0])
colorBt = cmds.colorIndexSliderGrp('rigColor', w=250, h=50, cw2=(150,0), min=0, max=31, v=7)
#This button will creat the chain of joins with streatch and squach
cmds.button('b_create', label='Create', h=30, c='create()')
#show the window
def findJnt(self, *args):
self.root = cmds.ls(sl=True)
if len(self.root) == 1:
selRoot = self.root[0]
rootBt = cmds.textField ('rootJnt', e=1, tx=selRoot)
cmds.warning ('Please select only the first joint!')
def colorChange(self, *args):
self.limbSide = cmds.optionMenu('Part_Side', q=1, sl=1)
if self.limbSide ==1:
self.sideColor = 7
if self.limbSide == 2:
self.sideColor = 14
if self.limbSide ==3:
self.sideColor = 18
colorBt = cmds.colorIndexSliderGrp('rigColor', e=1, v=self.sideColor)
def partBody(self, *args):
def rigType(self, *args):
我只是清理了 lambda 和逗号函数,它按预期工作。 因为你似乎不熟悉 maya ui/class,我用一些以 DW 开头的行注释清理了你的整个脚本: 因此,您可以找到如何更轻松地管理 Maya ui!
import maya.cmds as cmds
import maya.OpenMaya as om
import maya.mel as mel
import sys
import math
from functools import partial
def create(rigType, sideColor, isStretch, *args):
# DW : refreshed every time by property that is executing before being passed
if rigType == 0:
print('IK/FK mode')
elif rigType == 1:
print('IK mode')
elif rigType == 2:
print('FK mode')
# DW : in this state of the script, it will return always 7 because there is no refresh query
# so you can see to pass outside your class some arguments
# below an example for an alternative of property
print('color picked is {}'.format(sideColor))
# DW : in this example the function for getting the status is passed
# it is different from property because we still use to execute the command
if isStretch():
print('rig is stretchy')
print('no stretch')
# Dw : note that if you create an instance of your window inside a variable :
# ui = rigCreator()
# ui.ikfkPick is something you can print at any moment to debug
# any variable with 'self' would be replaced by 'ui' in this case
class rigCreator:
# DW : default colour, self don't need to be specify but it is like so
# personally I put the important parameters or parameters that set default values on top
# it is easier when parsing the code few month later
sideColor = 7 #: DW : don't hesitate to do inline comment to say this is RED color (im followng google doctstring https://sphinxcontrib-napoleon.readthedocs.io/en/latest/example_google.html)
isStretch = 0
ikfkPick = 0 #: pick IK/FK option, 1 for IK, 2 for FK
def __init__(self, *args):
self.window = "uiWindow"
self.title = "Rigging Tool Bipeds"
self.winSize = (150, 200)
def createUI(self):
# DW : only put *args if you are using maya command flags, otherwise no need
#check if window and prefs exist. If yes, delete
if cmds.window(self.window, ex=True):
cmds.deleteUI(self.window, wnd=True)
elif cmds.windowPref(self.window, ex=True):
cmds.windowPref(self.window, r=True)
self.window = cmds.window(self.window, t=self.title, wh = self.winSize, s=1, mnb=1, mxb=1)
self.mainForm = cmds.formLayout(nd=100)
self.tagLine= cmds.text(label = "Rig Tool")
cmds.frameLayout(label="1. Choose the root joint")
self.Layout = cmds.columnLayout(adj=1)
#Add a saparator to the window
# button to select the first joint
cmds.rowColumnLayout (nc = 2, cs=[(1,6), (2,6)])
self.tf_rootBt = cmds.textField ('rootJnt', tx = 'First joint of your Arm chain', w = 250)
#cmds.textFieldButtonGrp('rootJnt', width=380, cal=(8, "center"), cw3=(100, 200, 75), h=40, pht="First joint of your Arm chain", l="First Joint", bl="Select", bc = lambda x: findJnt(), p=self.Layout)
# DW : use lambda only to parse arguments, the better way to not make confusion is to use partial module
cmds.button(l = 'Select', c = self.findJnt)
frame = cmds.frameLayout("2. Name options", lv=1, li=1, w=250)
#cmds.text(label="", align = "left")
cmds.rowColumnLayout(nc=4, cs=[(1,6), (2,6), (3,6), (4,6)])
#cmds.text('Side', l='Side:')
# DW : string naming can be dangerous, if another script create this type of name, it will conflict
# put your ctrl name into a variable or a class variable if you are using it somewhere else
# Same don't use lambda if you are not parsing arguments
self.om_partside = cmds.optionMenu('Part_Side', l='Side:', cc=self.colorChange, acc=1, ni=1)
cmds.text('Part', l='Part:')
frame2 = cmds.frameLayout("3. Type of rig", lv=True, li=1, w=250)
cmds.rowColumnLayout(nc=3, cs=[(1,6), (2,6), (3,6)])
# DW :conforming to the default user settings on top of the class
# demonstrate property in class
self.rc_ikfk = cmds.radioCollection("limb side")
for x, lb in enumerate(['IK/FK', 'IK', 'FK']):
if x == self.ikfkPick:
defvalue = True
defvalue = False
cmds.radioButton(label=lb, select=defvalue)
frame3 = cmds.frameLayout("4. Thick if you want to apply stretch", lv=True, li=1, w=250)
cmds.rowColumnLayout(nc=1, cs=[(1,6)])
# DW : adding default value, class variable naming
self.ckb_stretch = cmds.checkBox( label='Stretchy limb', align='center', value=self.isStretch, cc=self.getStretch)
frame4 = cmds.frameLayout("5. Pick icon color", lv=True, li=1, w=250)
cmds.gridLayout(nr=1, nc=5, cwh=[62,20])
cmds.iconTextButton('darkBlue_Btn', bgc=[.000,.016,.373])
cmds.iconTextButton('lightBlue_Btn', bgc=[0,0,1])
cmds.iconTextButton('Brown_Btn', bgc=[.537,.278,.2])
cmds.iconTextButton('red_Btn', bgc=[1,0,0])
cmds.iconTextButton('Yellow_Btn', bgc=[1,1,0])
self.sl_colorBt = cmds.colorIndexSliderGrp('rigColor', w=250, h=50, cw2=(150,0), min=0, max=31, v= self.sideColor)
#This button will creat the chain of joins with streatch and squach
# DW : never use comma for executing some function, if you use this script as a module afterward, you will have problems dealing with python namespacing
# maya is always passing a default argument True, so put *args in any command that is used by your ui controls
cmds.button('b_create', label='Create', h=30, c=partial(create, self.rigType, self.sideColor, self.getStretch))
#show the window
def findJnt(self, *args):
self.root = cmds.ls(sl=True, type='joint', l=True)
# DW : just becaue I was toying around the concept of root, sorry... ignor below
rootAbove = [i for i in self.root[0].split('|')[1:] if cmds.nodeType(i) == 'joint']
if rootAbove[0] != self.root[0].split('|')[-1]:
cmds.warning('you didn\'t choose the top joint !')
if len(self.root) == 1:
selRoot = self.root[0]
# DW : you dont have to store your edit, use class variable instead of string name
cmds.textField (self.tf_rootBt, e=1, tx=selRoot.split('|')[-1])
cmds.warning ('Please select only the first joint!')
def colorChange(self, *args):
# DW : you don't need to put self on limbSide has you are not using it anywhere else
limbSide = cmds.optionMenu(self.om_partside, q=1, sl=1)
# DW : putting some elif
if limbSide == 1:
self.sideColor = 7
elif limbSide == 2:
self.sideColor = 14
elif limbSide ==3:
self.sideColor = 18
# DW : conforming editing controls
cmds.colorIndexSliderGrp(self.sl_colorBt, e=1, v=self.sideColor)
def partBody(self, *args):
def rigType(self):
int: option selected in ui'''
# DW : demonstrating property usage and partial
rb = cmds.radioCollection(self.rc_ikfk, q=True, select=True)
cia = [i.split('|')[-1] for i in cmds.radioCollection(self.rc_ikfk, q=True, cia=True)]
return cia.index(rb)
def getStretch(self, *args):
"""function to get if the user need stretchy things
*args is just here to bypass maya default added True argument
bool: use stretch or not
# dw making some example function with some docstring
self.isStretch = cmds.checkBox(self.ckb_stretch, q=True, value=True)
return self.isStretch