
How to resolve next is not a function error message?

我正在尝试创建一个 MEAN 堆栈应用程序,我目前正在开发更新功能。


    businessRoutes.route('/update/:id').post(function (req, res) {
        Business.findById(req.params.id, function (err, business) {
    if (!business)
      return next(new Error('Could not load Document'));
    else {
      business.person_name = req.body.person_name;
      business.business_name = req.body.business_name;
      business.business_gst_number = req.body.business_gst_number;

      business.save().then(business => {
        res.json('Update complete');
        console.log('Update Complete');
        .catch(err => {
          res.status(400).send("unable to update the database");


TypeError: next is not a function


return next(new Error('Could not load Document'));



问题是你想成为 "next" 的参数实际上来自 express.js (这意味着它出现在你 运行 的第一个函数回调中(之后.post(---这个函数---有3个参数你可以选择使用:

  • req 用户向您的服务器发出的请求
  • res 您正准备发送的回复
  • next 第三个参数是可选的,它允许您发送到下一个中​​间件,或者如果您向它发送一个参数,它将把它发送到错误处理程序,错误处理程序将发送您的错误作为响应。


您将 next 参数 运行domly 放置在您尝试调用的 mongoose 函数的中间:mongoose 函数实际上只接受 (err, item)...

businessRoutes.route('/update/:id').post(function (req, res, next) {
  // note that express exposes the "next" param
  // this is a callback indicating to run the `next` middleware 
  Business.findById(req.params.id, function (err, business, whoKnows) {
// note this is from mongoose.js: the callback function actually only has 2 parameters (err, and foundObject)

    if (!business)
      return next(new Error('Could not load Document'));
    else {
      business.person_name = req.body.person_name;
      business.business_name = req.body.business_name;
      business.business_gst_number = req.body.business_gst_number;

      business.save().then(business => {
        res.json('Update complete');
        .catch(err => {
          res.status(400).send("unable to update the database");

请注意,我建议使用 async await,这将使整个事情更容易理解:

businessRoutes.route('/update/:id').post(async (req, res, next) => {
try {
 const foundBusiness = await Business.findById(req.params.id)
//... do stuff
catch (e) {
next(throw new Error(e))
// .. other stuff

findById 的第二个参数需要一个具有两个参数 err<entity> 的回调。没有中间件或其他东西,你所说的 next(...) 会尝试调用你找到的实体。


Adventure.findById(id, function (err, adventure) {});

你看,在你的情况下,business 总是未定义的,adventurenext 永远不是函数。