我必须为 64 位要求修改什么?

What I have to modifiy for the 64-bit requirement?


Inspect your APK or app bundle for native code. You can check for .so files using APK Analyzer. Identify whether they are built from your own code or are imported by an SDK or library that you are using. If you do not have any .so files in your APK, you are already 64-bit compliant.

Enable 64-bit architectures and rebuild native code (.so files) imported by your own code. See the documentation for more details.

Upgrade any SDKs and libraries to 64-bit compliant versions, if needed. Reach out to the SDK or library owner if one is not available. We’re working with top library owners on their 64-bit compatibility.

Test for issues locally once you’ve rebuilt your app. Rollout to your testers using testing tracks for thorough testing.



如果您没有原生 (NDK) 代码,即您只编写了 Java/Dex 代码,那么您无需执行任何操作。

如果您有本机代码(或库),则需要提供它们的 64 位版本。