我可以在不添加付款方式的情况下切换 Google 个 Play 国家/地区吗?

Can I switch a Google Play country without adding payment method?

这是交易。 我需要检查我们的平台是否支持通过 Google Play 商店支付超过 1000000 货币。

当我尝试在帐户设置中更改国家/地区时,Google 要求提供该国家/地区的付款方式(信用卡)。我无法访问越南测试卡,而且来自卡片生成器的测试卡不起作用(很明显)。关于如何跳过添加付款方式的任何想法?该帐户仅用于沙盒测试目的。

如果遇到类似问题,请查看 Google 播放支持页面中的 this 页面。

Also, you can't change the country for an existing payments profile. Hence, you need to create a new payments profile to add/associate it with a new/another country:

  1. Sign in to Settings.

  2. Under Payments profile, click the pencil icon next to Country.

  3. Click the link to Create new profile from the message that appears.

  4. Click Continue from the next message that appears.

  5. From the drop-down list, choose the country to associate with the payments profile you're creating.

  6. Enter the address information and click Submit.

After that you'll be seeing an option "Close" at the bottom part of the selection where you need to close the payments account under your previous location.`