我如何使用 运行GuardsAndResolvers 和 onSameUrlNavigation 在 Angular 中重新 运行 解析器
How do I re-run resolvers in Angular with runGuardsAndResolvers and onSameUrlNavigation
我已经编辑了表单,正在使用解析器预取数据以填写表单。我想在最终用户单击浏览器刷新按钮时重新使用解析器。目前,不会重新调用数据。我相信那是因为在 ngOnInit 中调用了数据。
我在我的路由模块中实现了 runGuardsAndResolvers: 'always' 和 onSameUrlNavigation: 'reload'。这不起作用。
我尝试从构造函数中调用 this.ngOnInit。我尝试将表单初始化代码放在它自己的私有函数中,并从 ngOnInit 和构造函数中调用它。这似乎可行,但似乎我必须将所有当前的 ngOnInit 代码放在私有方法中。我不确定这是否是最好的方法。
// Route code
path: ':id/details/:detailsId/edit', component: TimecardDetailsEditComponent,
resolve: {
resolvedTimecard: TimecardSingleResolver,
resolvedTimecardDetailsSingle: TimecardDetailsSingleResolver
runGuardsAndResolvers: 'always'
// import
RouterModule.forRoot( appRoutes, { preloadingStrategy: PreloadAllModules, enableTracing: false, onSameUrlNavigation: 'reload' } )
// within ngOnInit
this._route.data.subscribe( data => {
const resolvedTimecardData: ITimecard = data[ 'resolvedTimecard' ];
const resolvedTimecardDetailsData: ITimecardDetails = data[ 'resolvedTimecardDetailsSingle' ];
// Methods set properties with data retrieved
this.onTimecardRetrieved( resolvedTimecardData );
this.onTimecardDetailsRetrieved( resolvedTimecardDetailsData );
} );
// Within the ngOnInit I crete the reactive form and I have a method where I can patch the values returned from the resolved data...It is this patched method I am thinking also needs to be pulled out of ngOnInit
I simply want the resolvers to run when the end user clicks the browser refresh button.
让解析器重新 运行
// I subscribed to the router events and stored the subscription so I can unsubscribe later.
// I am watching for the navigation end event.
this.navigationSubscription = this._router.events.subscribe( ( e: any ) => {
// If the router event is NavigationEnd, I re-initalise the component due to resolvers not running
if ( e instanceof NavigationEnd ) {
// Method that makes necessary API calls
} );
我构建了 initialiseTimecardData 方法来重新获取数据。
initialiseTimecardData () {
// Set default values and fetch data.
// Pull parameters from url
this.timecardId = this._route.snapshot.paramMap.get( 'id' );
this.timecardDetailsId = this._route.snapshot.paramMap.get( 'detailsId' );
// NMake the API call that would normally be done in the resolver
const timecard = this._timecardDetailsSingleService.getTimecardDetails( this.timecardId );
// Grab necessary employee data as an observable
( datagetEmployeeInfo: IEmployeeInfo ) => {
this.employeeInfo = datagetEmployeeInfo;
// Employee exists...create reactive form
let timecardDetails: ITimecardDetails;
( data: ITimecardDetails ) => {
for ( const i in data ) {
if ( data[ i ].id === +this.timecardDetailsId ) {
timecardDetails = data[ i ];
// I now have the necessary details. I call methods to populate view
this.onTimecardDetailsRetrieved( timecardDetails );
this.patchTimecardDetailsForm( this.timecardDetails );
( err: any ) => console.log( err )
} );
我也在实现 OnDestroy,因为我不希望在每个导航端都调用此方法,而只在这个页面上调用。这应该可以防止内存泄漏
ngOnDestroy () {
if ( this.navigationSubscription ) {
我已经编辑了表单,正在使用解析器预取数据以填写表单。我想在最终用户单击浏览器刷新按钮时重新使用解析器。目前,不会重新调用数据。我相信那是因为在 ngOnInit 中调用了数据。
我在我的路由模块中实现了 runGuardsAndResolvers: 'always' 和 onSameUrlNavigation: 'reload'。这不起作用。
我尝试从构造函数中调用 this.ngOnInit。我尝试将表单初始化代码放在它自己的私有函数中,并从 ngOnInit 和构造函数中调用它。这似乎可行,但似乎我必须将所有当前的 ngOnInit 代码放在私有方法中。我不确定这是否是最好的方法。
// Route code
path: ':id/details/:detailsId/edit', component: TimecardDetailsEditComponent,
resolve: {
resolvedTimecard: TimecardSingleResolver,
resolvedTimecardDetailsSingle: TimecardDetailsSingleResolver
runGuardsAndResolvers: 'always'
// import
RouterModule.forRoot( appRoutes, { preloadingStrategy: PreloadAllModules, enableTracing: false, onSameUrlNavigation: 'reload' } )
// within ngOnInit
this._route.data.subscribe( data => {
const resolvedTimecardData: ITimecard = data[ 'resolvedTimecard' ];
const resolvedTimecardDetailsData: ITimecardDetails = data[ 'resolvedTimecardDetailsSingle' ];
// Methods set properties with data retrieved
this.onTimecardRetrieved( resolvedTimecardData );
this.onTimecardDetailsRetrieved( resolvedTimecardDetailsData );
} );
// Within the ngOnInit I crete the reactive form and I have a method where I can patch the values returned from the resolved data...It is this patched method I am thinking also needs to be pulled out of ngOnInit
I simply want the resolvers to run when the end user clicks the browser refresh button.
让解析器重新 运行在我的构造函数中,我放入了以下代码...
// I subscribed to the router events and stored the subscription so I can unsubscribe later.
// I am watching for the navigation end event.
this.navigationSubscription = this._router.events.subscribe( ( e: any ) => {
// If the router event is NavigationEnd, I re-initalise the component due to resolvers not running
if ( e instanceof NavigationEnd ) {
// Method that makes necessary API calls
} );
我构建了 initialiseTimecardData 方法来重新获取数据。
initialiseTimecardData () {
// Set default values and fetch data.
// Pull parameters from url
this.timecardId = this._route.snapshot.paramMap.get( 'id' );
this.timecardDetailsId = this._route.snapshot.paramMap.get( 'detailsId' );
// NMake the API call that would normally be done in the resolver
const timecard = this._timecardDetailsSingleService.getTimecardDetails( this.timecardId );
// Grab necessary employee data as an observable
( datagetEmployeeInfo: IEmployeeInfo ) => {
this.employeeInfo = datagetEmployeeInfo;
// Employee exists...create reactive form
let timecardDetails: ITimecardDetails;
( data: ITimecardDetails ) => {
for ( const i in data ) {
if ( data[ i ].id === +this.timecardDetailsId ) {
timecardDetails = data[ i ];
// I now have the necessary details. I call methods to populate view
this.onTimecardDetailsRetrieved( timecardDetails );
this.patchTimecardDetailsForm( this.timecardDetails );
( err: any ) => console.log( err )
} );
我也在实现 OnDestroy,因为我不希望在每个导航端都调用此方法,而只在这个页面上调用。这应该可以防止内存泄漏
ngOnDestroy () {
if ( this.navigationSubscription ) {