当 wav 文件完成时,PyAudio readframes 没有结束

PyAudio readframes not ending when wav file completes

目前正在对 PyAudio 进行一些试验。我目前的目标是导入一个 wav 文件并让 PyAudio 为我播放它。播放它实际上是最简单的部分 - 困难的部分是在 wav 文件完成后关闭流。现在我的代码永远不会退出 while 循环。我听到 wav 文件的声音,然后随着代码继续不向流中写入任何内容而静音。

import wave
import pyaudio

wav = wave.open('./5secondbeat.wav')
p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
chunk = 1024
stream = p.open(format = p.get_format_from_width(wav.getsampwidth()),
                channels = wav.getnchannels(),
                rate = wav.getframerate(),
                frames_per_buffer = chunk,
                output = True)

data = wav.readframes(chunk)
while data != '':    //enters this loop
    stream.write(data)    //I hear my short 5 second wave file
    data = wav.readframes(chunk)

print('hello')    //this never gets printed and my code continues running in the loop




while data != b'':

while data.decode("utf-8") != '':