
How do I show a detailed program in tabulator?

在制表符文档 (http://tabulator.info/examples/4.3?#responsive-layout-collapse) 中,它们已经支持折叠模式,但它是由制表符自动完成的。但是,我的愿望是不同的。我有 20 列,我只想显示 5 列,当我 select 一行时,其他列将展开。


我可以看到使用行回调:http://tabulator.info/docs/4.3/callbacks#row say rowClick and then use: http://tabulator.info/docs/4.3/columns#visibility col.show()/col.hide() to display/hide the columns. You might have to do table.redraw() to get the table to catch up with customize the changes in formatting. The best way is use responsiveLayoutCollapseFormatter(http://tabulator.info/docs/4.3/layout#responsive)