如何将 运行 加在一起?

How to add a running total together?




print "Welcome to the checkout! How many items will you be purchasing?"
number = int (input ())

grocerylist = []
costs = []

for i in range(number):
    groceryitem = raw_input ("Please enter the name of product %s:" % (i+1))
    itemcost = raw_input ("How much does %s cost?" % groceryitem)

print ("The total cost of your items is " + str(costs))

这是我正在做的 SKE 的家庭作业任务,但由于某种原因我被难住了!

预期的输出是在程序结束时,它将显示添加到程序中的项目的总成本,并带有 £ 符号。


total = 0
for i in costs:
    total += int(i)
print ("The total cost of your items is " + str(total)) # remove brackets if it is python 2

备选方案(对于 python 3):

print("Welcome to the checkout! How many items will you be purchasing?")
number = int (input ())

grocerylist = []
costs = 0   # <<

for i in range(number):
    groceryitem = input ("Please enter the name of product %s:" % (i+1))
    itemcost = input ("How much does %s cost?" % groceryitem)
    costs += int(itemcost)   # <<
print ("The total cost of your items is " + str(costs))


Welcome to the checkout! How many items will you be purchasing?
Please enter the name of product 1:Item1
How much does Item1 cost?5
Please enter the name of product 2:Item2
How much does Item2 cost?5
The total cost of your items is 10

您需要将费用申报为 int 并求和:

print("Welcome to the checkout! How many items will you be purchasing?")
number = int(input ())

grocerylist = []
costs = []

for i in range(number):
    groceryitem = input("Please enter the name of product %s:" % (i+1))
    itemcost = input("How much does %s cost?" % groceryitem)

print ("The total cost of your items is " + str(sum(costs)))

raw_input 似乎也有问题。我把它改成 input.