将距离矩阵传递给 seaborn clustermap

Pass distance matrix to seaborn clustermap

我想将自己的距离矩阵(行链接)传递给seaborn clustermap。


Use Distance Matrix in scipy.cluster.hierarchy.linkage()?


scipy hierarchy linkage


scipy.cluster.hierarchy.linkage(y, method='single', metric='euclidean', optimal_ordering=False)

The input y may be either a 1d condensed distance matrix or a 2d array of observation vectors


My distance matrix is already based on a certain metric and method, why would I want to recalculate this in scipy hierarchy linkage ?

Is there an option where it purely uses my distances and creates the linkages?

为了后代,这里有一个完整的方法,因为评论中的@WarrenWeckesser 和链接答案中的@SibbsGambling 省略了一些细节。

假设 distMatrix 是您的距离矩阵(不必是欧几里得),行 i 和列 j 中的条目代表 [=12] 之间的距离=]th 和 jth 对象。那么:

# import packages
from scipy.cluster import hierarchy
import scipy.spatial.distance as ssd
import seaborn as sns

# define distance array as in linked answer
distArray = ssd.squareform(distMatrix) 

# define linkage object
distLinkage = hierarchy.linkage(distArray)

# make clustermap
sns.clustermap(distMatrix, row_linkage=distLinkage, col_linkage=distLinkage)

请注意,在创建 clustermap 时,您仍然必须引用原始矩阵。如果您想使用不同的聚类方法,例如 method='ward',请在定义 distLinkage 时包含该选项。