如何在 angular 7,8 中重新加载整个页面而不刷新?

How to reload whole page without refresh in angular 7,8?

I am working with angular 8 and want to refresh my component on same url without refresh whole page. I am trying with router.navigate but its not working for me. I tried with location.reload and window.location.reload but it takes too much time and it refresh whole page. Below is my code for same :

this.snackBar.open('Data Updated Successfully', 'Undo', {
        duration: 5000,

默认情况下 Angular 的 RouteReuseStrategy 为真。您需要将其更改为 false。


constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute, private router: Router) {
    this.router.routeReuseStrategy.shouldReuseRoute = () => false;