Android :应用签名证书和上传证书有什么区别?

Android :What is the difference between app signing certificate and upload certificate?

应用签名证书和上传证书有什么区别? 我在将 Google Play Games 与我的应用程序集成时遇到问题(我将此作为另一个问题发布)并且我注意到用于客户端 ID 的那个是在 Google [=17 上自动生成的=] 控制台调用签名证书。
但是,当我 运行 在 Android Studio 上登录报告时,我可以看到称为上传证书。

client Id应该设置哪一个?顺便说一下,两者都没有解决我的问题,但我很好奇其中的区别。


Certain Google Play services (such as Google Sign-in and App Invites) require you to provide the SHA-1 of your signing certificate so we can create an OAuth2 client and API key for your app. For more info refer:doc


When you publishing an app that is not signed by an upload key, the Google Play Console provides the option to register one for future updates to the app. Although this is an optional step, it’s recommended that you publish your app with a key that’s separate from the one Google Play uses to distribute your app to users. That way, Google keeps your signing key secure, and you have the option to reset a lost or compromised private upload key. This section describes how to create an upload key, generate an upload certificate from it, and register that certificate with Google Play for future updates of your app. For more info refer:doc