SSPI sql 由于双跳失败、约束委派,远程 powershell 请求访问失败

SSPI sql access fails in remote powershell request due to double-hop failure, constrained delegation

我们正在尝试 运行 从 serverA 到远程 serverB 的自动安装,它需要使用 windows 身份验证与 sql serverC 通信。

Invoke-Command -ComputerName serverB -ScriptBlock {

    $conn = new-object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection 'Data Source=ServerC;Initial Catalog=master;Integrated Security=SSPI'
    } finally {
        $conn | Remove-SQLConnection

} -Credential $cred 


Exception calling "Open" with "0" argument(s): "Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON'."


Invoke-Command -ComputerName serverB -ScriptBlock { Register-PSSessionConfiguration -Name Ipswitch -RunAsCredential $using:cred -Force  } -Credential $cred

但我们更愿意使用受约束的 kerberos 委派:

我们尝试使用以下步骤执行 kerberos 委派:

#run on serverC
Add-WindowsFeature RSAT-AD-PowerShell

Import-Module ActiveDirectory

$serverB = Get-ADComputer serverB
$serverC = Get-ADComputer serverC

# Grant resource-based Kerberos constrained delegation
Set-ADComputer -Identity $serverC -PrincipalsAllowedToDelegateToAccount $serverB

# Check the value of the attribute directly
$x = Get-ADComputer -Identity $serverC -Properties msDS-AllowedToActOnBehalfOfOtherIdentity

# Check the value of the attribute indirectly
Get-ADComputer -Identity $serverC -Properties PrincipalsAllowedToDelegateToAccount

# purge kerberose cache
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $serverB.Name -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {
    klist purge -li 0x3e7

完成后,这 2 个测试通过:

Invoke-Command -ComputerName serverB -ScriptBlock {

    Invoke-Command -ComputerName serverC -ScriptBlock {'hello world'} -Credential $using:cred
} -Credential $cred 

Invoke-Command -ComputerName serverB -ScriptBlock {

    Copy-Item '\serverC\c$\file'

} -Credential $cred 


我们在 github 上发现了同样的问题,看起来相同,但没有答案:

务必使用 SetSPN –A MSSQLSvc/.:1433

为 SQL 服务帐户注册一个 SPN