使用 :repo_tree 链接到多个子目录

Linking to multiple subdirectories using :repo_tree


  - artwork
  - app
  - designsystem
  - api

由于 repo 中的每个其他文件夹(例如 appapidesignsystem)都依赖于 artwork,所以当 运行 本地。这工作正常,因为 designsystem 子目录中 images 的路径类似于 ../../artwork。当您签出存储库时,整个树都会被签出,因此符号链接指向正确的目录。

但是,当我使用 capistrano 进行部署时,我使用 :repo_tree 来仅部署整个 monorepo 的一部分。例如,designsystem 文件夹的 deploy.rb 脚本如下所示:

# config valid for current version and patch releases of Capistrano
lock "~> 3.11.0"

set :application, "designsystem"
set :repo_url, "git@gitlab.com:myuser/mymonorepo"
set :deploy_to, "/var/www/someplace.net/designsystem.someplace.net"
set :deploy_via, "remote_cache_with_project_root"
set :repo_tree, 'designsystem'
set :log_level, :error

before 'deploy:set_current_revision', 'deploy:buildMonolith'

当然,问题是这最终只会部署 designsystem 子目录。因此,符号链接无效,实际上在构建中被跳过(buildMonolith 步骤)。

我想知道如何让 Capistrano 签出 另一个 子目录 artwork,并将其放置在存储库源代码树中的某个位置。

我可以通过添加一个名为 assets.rb:

的 capistrano 任务来解决这个问题
require 'pathname'

# Import assets from a top level monorepo directory into the current working
# directory.
# When you use :repo_tree to deploy a specific directory of a monorepo, but your
# asset repository is in a different directory, you need to check out this
# top-level directory and add it to the deployment path. For example, if your
# monorepo directory structure looks something like:
# - /app
#   - src/
#     - assets -> symlink to ../../assets
# - /assets
# - /api
# And you want to deploy /app, the symlink to the upper directory won't exist if
# capistrano is configured to use :repo_tree "app". In order to overcome this,
# this task checks out a specified piece of the larger monorepo (in this case,
# the assets directory), and places it in the deployment directory at a
# specified location.
# Configuration:
# In your deploy/<stage>.rb file, you will need to specify two variables:
#   - :asset_path - The location within the deployment directory where the
#                   assets should be placed. Relative to the deployment working
#                   directory.
#   - :asset_source - The location of the top-level asset folder in the
#                     monorepo. Relative to the top level of the monorepo (i.e.
#                     the directory that would be used as a deployment if
#                     :repo_tree was not specified).
# In the above example, you would specify:
# set :asset_path, "src/assets"
# set :asset_source, "assets"
namespace :deploy do
  desc "Import assets from a top-level monorepo directory"
  task :import_assets do
   on roles(:all) do |host|
      within repo_path do
        final_asset_location = "#{release_path}/#{fetch(:asset_path)}"
        asset_stat_result = capture "stat", "-t", "#{final_asset_location}"
        asset_stat_result = asset_stat_result.split(" ")
        if asset_stat_result[0] == "#{final_asset_location}"
          info "Removing existing asset directory #{final_asset_location}..."
          execute "rm", "-rf", "#{final_asset_location}"

        source_dir = Pathname.new(final_asset_location).parent.to_s
        info "Importing assets to #{source_dir}/#{fetch(:asset_source)}"
        execute "GIT_WORK_TREE=#{source_dir}", :git, "checkout", "#{fetch(:branch)}", "--", "#{fetch(:asset_source)}"

        info "Moving asset directory #{source_dir}/#{fetch(:asset_source)} to #{final_asset_location}..."
        execute :mv, "#{source_dir}/#{fetch(:asset_source)}", "#{final_asset_location}"

如果我能以某种方式 link 进入 git scm 插件,而不是直接从命令行调用 git,那就太好了。