
Why does the point crash when free it?

在下面的代码中,结果是可以的,但是代码会在执行finish时崩溃,并增加一个错误:Heap corruption detected, free list is damaged at 0x600000008f50

int *mergeSort(int *a,int count) {

    int leftCount  = count / 2;
    int rightCount = count - leftCount;
    int *leftData  = getData(a, 0, leftCount);
    int *rightData = getData(a, leftCount, count);

    int *sortedLeftData  = mergeSort(leftData, leftCount);
    int *sortedRightData = mergeSort(rightData, rightCount);

    int *resultData = mergeData(sortedLeftData, sortedRightData, leftCount,

    return resultData;

int *getData(int *a,int from, int to) {

    if (from > to) { return nil; }
    int *res = malloc(to - from + 1);
    for (int index = from; index < to; index ++) {

        int value = a[index];
        res[index-from] = value;
    return res;

int *mergeData(int *a, int *b, int acount, int bcount) {

    int *result = malloc(acount + bcount);

    int aindex,bindex,rindex;
    aindex = bindex = rindex = 0;

    while (aindex < acount | bindex < bcount) {

        int value,avalue = INT_MAX,bvalue = INT_MAX;
        if (aindex < acount) { avalue = a[aindex]; }
        if (bindex < bcount) { bvalue = b[bindex]; }
        // get value from a point.
        if (avalue <= bvalue) {

            value = avalue;
            aindex ++;
        }else {
            // get value from b point.
            value = bvalue;
            bindex ++;

        result[rindex] = value;
        rindex ++;

    return result;



malloc 函数分配请求的 字节数 。如果您的元素是 int 类型,则需要将所需元素的数量乘以 sizeof(int)例如

int *result = malloc((acount + bcount) * sizeof(int));


  1. 使用按位或运算符代替逻辑或:

    while (aindex < acount | bindex < bcount)
                        // ^ should be ||
  2. 您永远不会释放临时缓冲区,因此您的程序会疯狂地泄漏,从而耗尽内存。您必须在 mergeSort 函数中释放 leftDatarightDatasortedLeftDatasortedRightData



void mergeSort(int *a, int count) {

    int *tempBuffer = malloc(count * sizeof(int));
    mergeSortWithBuffer(a, 0, 0, count - 1,tempBuffer);
void mergeSortWithBuffer(int *a, int leftStart, int rightStart, int end, int *tempBuffer) {

    int leftCount  = rightStart - leftStart;
    int rightCount = end - rightStart + 1;
    if (leftCount + rightCount <= 1) { return; }

    if (leftCount != 0) {

        // left dichotomy
        int lls = leftStart;
        int lrs = leftStart + leftCount/2;
        int lnd = rightStart - 1;
        mergeSortWithBuffer(a, lls, lrs, lnd,tempBuffer);

    if (rightCount != 0) {

        // right dichotomy
        int rls = rightStart;
        int rrs = rightStart + rightCount/2;
        int rnd = end;
        mergeSortWithBuffer(a, rls, rrs, rnd,tempBuffer);

    mergeData(a, leftStart, rightStart, end, tempBuffer);

void mergeData(int *a, int leftStart, int rightStart, int end,int *tempBuffer) {

    int leftCount  = rightStart - leftStart;
    int rightCount = end - rightStart + 1;

    int lindex,rindex;
    lindex = rindex = 0;

    while (lindex < leftCount || rindex < rightCount) {

        int lv = INT_MAX,rv = INT_MAX;
        if (lindex < leftCount) { lv = a[leftStart + lindex]; }
        if (rindex < rightCount) { rv = a[rightStart + rindex]; }

        if (lv <= rv) {

            tempBuffer[leftStart + lindex + rindex] = lv;
            lindex ++;
        }else {

            tempBuffer[leftStart + lindex + rindex] = rv;
            rindex ++;

    for (int index = 0; index < end - leftStart + 1; index ++) {

        a[leftStart + index] = tempBuffer[leftStart + index];

我以为mergeData函数可以在没有temp buffer的情况下互相替换a点的数据,但是逻辑太复杂,效率不快,所以我在这个函数中加入了temp buffer。
