当 instance_count 在使用 remote-exec provisioner 时大于 2 时 Terraform 卡住了

Terraform stucks when instance_count is more than 2 while using remote-exec provisioner

$ terraform -v Terraform v0.12.6 provider.aws v2.23.0 provider.null v2.1.2

用于重现错误消息的 Terraform 模板:


variable "aws_access_key" {
  default = "AK"
variable "aws_secret_key" {
  default = "SAK"
variable "instance_count" {
  default = "3"
variable "username" {
  default = "Administrator"
variable "admin_password" {
  default = "Password"
variable "instance_name" {
  default = "Testing"
variable "vpc_id" {
  default = "vpc-id"

provider "aws" {
  access_key = "${var.aws_access_key}"
  secret_key = "${var.aws_secret_key}"
  region     = "ap-southeast-2"

resource "aws_instance" "ec2instance" {
  count         = "${var.instance_count}"
  ami           = "Windows AMI"
  instance_type = "t2.xlarge"
  key_name      = "ec2_key"
  subnet_id     = "subnet-id"
  vpc_security_group_ids = ["${aws_security_group.ec2instance-sg.id}"]
  tags = {
    Name = "${var.instance_name}-${count.index}"

resource "null_resource" "nullresource" {
  count = "${var.instance_count}"
  connection {
    type     = "winrm"
    host     = "${element(aws_instance.ec2instance.*.private_ip, count.index)}"
    user     = "${var.username}"
    password = "${var.admin_password}"
    timeout  = "10m"
   provisioner "remote-exec" {
     inline = [
       "powershell.exe Write-Host Instance_No=${count.index}"
//   provisioner "local-exec" {
//     command = "powershell.exe Write-Host Instance_No=${count.index}"
//   }
//   provisioner "file" {
//       source      = "testscript"
//       destination = "D:/testscript"
//   }
resource "aws_security_group" "ec2instance-sg" {
  name        = "${var.instance_name}-sg"
  vpc_id      = "${var.vpc_id}"

//   RDP
  ingress {
    from_port   = 3389
    to_port     = 3389
    protocol    = "tcp"
    cidr_blocks = ["CIDR"]

//   WinRM access from the machine running TF to the instance
  ingress {
    from_port   = 5985
    to_port     = 5985
    protocol    = "tcp"
    cidr_blocks = ["CIDR"]

  tags = {
    Name        = "${var.instance_name}-sg"

output "private_ip" {
  value = "${aws_instance.ec2instance.*.private_ip}"


更新:最终的诀窍是根据这个 issue comment.

将 Terraform 降级到 v11.14


  1. 内联remote-exec:
resource "aws_instance" "ec2instance" {
  count         = "${var.instance_count}"
  # ...
  provisioner "remote-exec" {
    connection {
      # ...
    inline = [
      # ...


  1. triggers添加到null_resource:
resource "null_resource" "nullresource" {
  triggers {
    host    = "${element(aws_instance.ec2instance.*.private_ip, count.index)}" # Rerun when IP changes
    version = "${timestamp()}" # ...or rerun every time
  # ...

您可以使用triggers attribute重新创建null_resource,从而重新执行remote-exec

我在 null_resource 中使用了这个触发器,它非常适合我。当实例数量增加时它也可以工作,并且它在所有 instances.I 上使用 terraform 和 openstack 进行配置。

triggers= { instance_ids = join(",",openstack_compute_instance_v2.swarm-cluster-hosts[*].id) }

Terraform 0.12.26 为我解决了类似的问题(在部署多个 VM 时使用多个文件供应器)

希望对您有所帮助: https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/issues/22006