addTools 在 rappidjs 中给出异常

addTools is giving exception in rappidjs

在我的一项作业中,我试图使用 RappidJS。我正在尝试通过将元素放在另一个元素上来连接元素的以下代码。 但我收到如下异常

rappid.min.js:14 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'start' of null
at child.update (rappid.min.js:14)
at child.onRender (rappid.min.js:14)
at child.e.render (rappid.min.js:14)
at child.configure (rappid.min.js:14)
at child.addTools (rappid.min.js:14)
at child.element:pointerup (diagram.js:106)
at triggerEvents (backbone.js:338)
at triggerApi (backbone.js:322)
at eventsApi (backbone.js:110)
at child.Events.trigger (backbone.js:312)

下面我也参考了link。 谁能告诉我我在这里做错了什么。 我的代码片段如下

 function attachLinks(paper) {
            'element:pointerdown': function (elementView, event) {
       = elementView.model.position();
            'element:pointerup': function (elementView, event, x, y) {
                var coordinates = new joint.g.Point(x, y);
                var elementAbove = elementView.model;
                var elementBelow = this.model.findModelsFromPoint(coordinates).find(function (el) {
                    return ( !==;
                // If the two elements are connected already, don't
                // connect them again (this is application-specific though).
                if (elementBelow && self.graph.getNeighbors(elementBelow).indexOf(elementAbove) === -1) {

                    // Move the element to the position before dragging.
                    // Create a connection between elements.
                    var link = new joint.shapes.standard.Link();
                    // Add remove button to the link.
                    var removeLinkTool = new joint.linkTools.Remove();

                    var tools = new joint.dia.ToolsView({
                           tools: [ removeLinkTool]

                    var linkView = link.findView(this);
                    linkView.addTools(tools); // getting exception at this place.

This issue is reproducible only in the paper async mode.

确保在添加 link 工具时呈现 link 的视图。为此,请使用 joint.dia.Paper.prototype.requireView().

// It is fine to use the method in the `sync` mode as the view is rendered/updated
// synchronously as soon as the link is added to the graph.
var linkView = link.findView(paper);
// This method makes sure the view is ready to use in the `async` mode.
// It forces the view to render/update synchronously.
var linkView = paper.requireView(link);

或者,您可以在向图表添加 link 时传递 async = false 标志,以告知论文同步呈现特定视图。

link.addTo(graph, { 'async': false });