如何在 r2d2 和 actix 中使用 MongoDB

How to use MongoDB with r2d2 and actix in rust

我正在尝试使用 rust 语言,使用 actix 框架和 r2d2 制作一个基本的网络应用程序mongodb 作为数据库。我找不到任何关于如何存档的完整和有效的文档。也许有人可以帮我。

问题是,我似乎无法从 r2d2 连接池获得 mongodb 连接。遗憾的是,我找到的任何文档都没有涵盖这部分内容。



fn main() {
    std::env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "actix_web=info");

    let manager = MongodbConnectionManager::new(
            .with_host("localhost", 27017)

    let pool = Pool::builder()

    HttpServer::new( move || {
            // enable logger
            // store db pool in app state
            // register simple handler, handle all methods
            .route("/view/{id}", web::get().to(view))
    .expect("Can not bind to port 8080")


fn view(req: HttpRequest, 
        pool: web::Data<Pool<MongodbConnectionManager>>) -> impl Responder {

    let id = req.match_info().get("id").unwrap_or("unknown");
    let conn = pool.get().unwrap();
    let result = conn.collections("content").findOne(None, None).unwrap();

   // HERE BE CODE ...

    format!("Requested id: {}", &id)

这是显示我的问题的错误。 conn 变量似乎不是正确的 mongodb 连接。

error[E0599]: no method named `collections` found for type `std::result::Result<r2d2::PooledConnection<r2d2_mongodb::MongodbConnectionManager>, r2d2::Error>` in the current scope  --> src\main.rs:29:23
29 |     let result = conn.collections("content").findOne(None, None).unwrap();
10 |     let coll = conn.collection("simulations");
   |                     ^^^^^^^^^^
   = help: items from traits can only be used if the trait is in scope
   = note: the following trait is implemented but not in scope, perhaps add a `use` for it:
           `use crate::mongodb::db::ThreadedDatabase;`

我的编译器告诉我在范围内添加 mongodb::db::ThreadedDatabase