
Behavior when both conversion constructor and operator are present and explicitness is involved


#include <iostream>
struct ClassFloat;

struct ClassInt{
    int value;
    ClassInt(int c) : value(c){std::cout << "From integer\n";};
    ClassInt(ClassFloat x);
    //explicit ClassInt(ClassFloat x);

struct ClassFloat{
    float val;
    explicit operator ClassInt() {std::cout << "Conversion operator called\n"; return ClassInt{999};}
    //operator ClassInt() { std::cout << "Conversion operator called\n"; return ClassInt{999};}

ClassInt::ClassInt(ClassFloat x){
    std::cout << "Conversion constructor called!\n";
    value = (int)x.val;

int main(){
    ClassFloat floatObj{3.5f};
    ClassInt instance1 = floatObj;           // (1)
    ClassInt instance2 = (ClassInt)floatObj; // (2)
    return 1;
  1. 如果两者都不明确。我收到一个编译器错误,说第一个表达式不明确。第二个表达式调用构造函数。
  2. 如果只有运算符是显式的,则两种转换都使用构造函数。
  3. 如果只有构造函数是显式的,则第二次转换调用构造函数,第一次使用运算符。
  4. 如果两者都是显式的,我只能编译第二个表达式。它使用构造函数。



我使用带有 -pedantic 和 -std=c++17 标志的 g++ 7.4.0 编译。

首先,c-style cast performes static_cast,然后


1) If there is an implicit conversion sequence from expression to new_type, or if overload resolution for a direct initialization of an object or reference of type new_type from expression would find at least one viable function, then static_cast<new_type>(expression) returns the imaginary variable Temp initialized as if by new_type Temp(expression);, which may involve implicit conversions, a call to the constructor of new_type or a call to a user-defined conversion operator.

因此给定 (ClassInt)floatObj;(初始化为 ClassInt Temp(floatObj);),转换构造函数将始终是首选,它将直接用于构造 ClassInt。虽然应用转换运算符需要从 floatObjClassInt 的隐式转换(然后在概念上复制初始化临时 ClassInt)。


  1. If both are non-explicit. I get a compiler error saying it is ambiguous.


顺便说一句:我尝试了 gcc 7.3.0,它给出了预期的结果。


I didn't understand why conversion operator wasn't called at the second expression in the second scenario.

因为第二个表达式(c-ctyle 转换)首选转换构造函数。

I was also expecting an ambiguity error in the fourth scenario (similar to the first scenario) but constructor was picked.

同上,第二个表达式优先使用转换构造函数;第一个表达式会导致错误,因为转换构造函数和转换运算符都标记为 explicit.

另请注意,第一个表达式需要隐式转换,那么转换构造函数或转换运算符是否标记为 explicit 无关紧要。另一方面,第二个表达式是 explicit conversion,与此无关。