为什么 picat 说模型不可满足?
Why picat says that the model is unsatisfiable?
求解器 (v. 2.6#2
) 声明示例模型 knights.mzn
包含在 minizinc 存储库中,特此复制粘贴:
% RUNS ON mzn20_fd
% RUNS ON mzn-fzn_fd
% RUNS ON mzn20_mip
% knights.mzn
% Ralph Becket
% vim: ft=zinc ts=4 sw=4 et
% Tue Aug 26 14:24:28 EST 2008
% Find a closed knight's tour of a chessboard (every square is visited exactly
% once, the tour forms a loop).
include "globals.mzn";
% n is the length of side of the chessboard.
int: n = 6;
% The ith square (r, c) on the path is given by p[i] = (r - 1) * n + c.
int: nn = n * n;
set of int: sq = 1..nn;
array [sq] of var sq: p;
set of int: row = 1..n;
set of int: col = 1..n;
% Break some symmetry by specifying the first and last moves.
constraint p[1] = 1;
constraint p[2] = n + 3;
constraint p[nn] = 2 * n + 2;
% All points along the path must be unique.
constraint alldifferent(p);
array [sq] of set of sq: neighbours =
[ { n * (R - 1) + C
i in 1..8,
R in {R0 + [-1, -2, -2, -1, 1, 2, 2, 1][i]},
C in {C0 + [-2, -1, 1, 2, 2, 1, -1, -2][i]}
where R in row /\ C in col
| R0 in row, C0 in col
constraint forall (i in sq where i > 1) (p[i] in neighbours[p[i - 1]]);
:: int_search(
% It has been observed that Warnsdorf's heuristic of choosing the next
% square as the one with the fewest remaining neighbours leads almost
% directly to a solution. How might we express this in MiniZinc?
output ["p = " ++ show(p) ++ ";\n"];
% Invert the path to show the tour.
% array [sq] of var sq: q;
% constraint forall (i in sq) (q[p[i]] = i);
% output [ show(q[i]) ++ if i mod n = 0 then "\n" else " " endif
% | i in sq
% ] ++
% [ "\n"
% ];
~$ mzn2fzn knights.mzn
~$ picat tools/picat/fzn_picat_cp.pi knights.fzn
% solving(knights.fzn)
% loading knights.fzn
~$ mzn2fzn knights.mzn
~$ picat tools/picat/fzn_picat_sat.pi knights.fzn
% solving(knights.fzn)
% loading knights.fzn
Picat 在这个模型上失败的原因是它 - 或者更确切地说是生成的 FlatZinc 模型 - 包含 "var set" 变量(见下文),而这些在 Picat 中不受支持。
var set of 1..36: X_INTRODUCED_36_ ::var_is_introduced :: is_defined_var;
var set of 1..36: X_INTRODUCED_38_ ::var_is_introduced :: is_defined_var;
var set of 1..36: X_INTRODUCED_39_ ::var_is_introduced :: is_defined_var;
理想情况下,Picat 应该给出更好的错误信息,例如"set variables are not supported"。
请注意,许多 FlatZinc 求解器不支持设置变量。例如,Chuffed 在模型上抛出这条好消息:
Error: LazyGeoff: set variables not supported in line no. 72
本身不支持设置变量的求解器可以包含标准库中的 nosets
文件。该文件将确保所有设置变量都转换为多个布尔变量。理想情况下,此文件将包含在求解器 MiniZinc redefinitions.mzn
include "nosets.mzn";
求解器 (v. 2.6#2
) 声明示例模型 knights.mzn
包含在 minizinc 存储库中,特此复制粘贴:
% RUNS ON mzn20_fd
% RUNS ON mzn-fzn_fd
% RUNS ON mzn20_mip
% knights.mzn
% Ralph Becket
% vim: ft=zinc ts=4 sw=4 et
% Tue Aug 26 14:24:28 EST 2008
% Find a closed knight's tour of a chessboard (every square is visited exactly
% once, the tour forms a loop).
include "globals.mzn";
% n is the length of side of the chessboard.
int: n = 6;
% The ith square (r, c) on the path is given by p[i] = (r - 1) * n + c.
int: nn = n * n;
set of int: sq = 1..nn;
array [sq] of var sq: p;
set of int: row = 1..n;
set of int: col = 1..n;
% Break some symmetry by specifying the first and last moves.
constraint p[1] = 1;
constraint p[2] = n + 3;
constraint p[nn] = 2 * n + 2;
% All points along the path must be unique.
constraint alldifferent(p);
array [sq] of set of sq: neighbours =
[ { n * (R - 1) + C
i in 1..8,
R in {R0 + [-1, -2, -2, -1, 1, 2, 2, 1][i]},
C in {C0 + [-2, -1, 1, 2, 2, 1, -1, -2][i]}
where R in row /\ C in col
| R0 in row, C0 in col
constraint forall (i in sq where i > 1) (p[i] in neighbours[p[i - 1]]);
:: int_search(
% It has been observed that Warnsdorf's heuristic of choosing the next
% square as the one with the fewest remaining neighbours leads almost
% directly to a solution. How might we express this in MiniZinc?
output ["p = " ++ show(p) ++ ";\n"];
% Invert the path to show the tour.
% array [sq] of var sq: q;
% constraint forall (i in sq) (q[p[i]] = i);
% output [ show(q[i]) ++ if i mod n = 0 then "\n" else " " endif
% | i in sq
% ] ++
% [ "\n"
% ];
~$ mzn2fzn knights.mzn
~$ picat tools/picat/fzn_picat_cp.pi knights.fzn
% solving(knights.fzn)
% loading knights.fzn
~$ mzn2fzn knights.mzn
~$ picat tools/picat/fzn_picat_sat.pi knights.fzn
% solving(knights.fzn)
% loading knights.fzn
Picat 在这个模型上失败的原因是它 - 或者更确切地说是生成的 FlatZinc 模型 - 包含 "var set" 变量(见下文),而这些在 Picat 中不受支持。
var set of 1..36: X_INTRODUCED_36_ ::var_is_introduced :: is_defined_var;
var set of 1..36: X_INTRODUCED_38_ ::var_is_introduced :: is_defined_var;
var set of 1..36: X_INTRODUCED_39_ ::var_is_introduced :: is_defined_var;
理想情况下,Picat 应该给出更好的错误信息,例如"set variables are not supported"。
请注意,许多 FlatZinc 求解器不支持设置变量。例如,Chuffed 在模型上抛出这条好消息:
Error: LazyGeoff: set variables not supported in line no. 72
本身不支持设置变量的求解器可以包含标准库中的 nosets
文件。该文件将确保所有设置变量都转换为多个布尔变量。理想情况下,此文件将包含在求解器 MiniZinc redefinitions.mzn
include "nosets.mzn";