是否阻止了它们内部的 ansible 支持条件

Does block in ansible support conditionals inside them



- block:
    - name: task 1  
      shell: check_install
      when: ansible_distribution == 'CentOS'
    - name: task 2
      shell: echo "test task"
      when: out.rc > "0" #assuming **out** is registered above
  become: true
  when: sw_install|default(False) == True

根据 ansible 文档,

Most of what you can apply to a single task (with the exception of loops) can be applied at the block level, which also makes it much easier to set data or directives common to the tasks. This does not mean the directive affects the block itself, but is inherited by the tasks enclosed by a block. i.e. a when will be applied to the tasks, not the block itself.

所以基本问题是:如果我 运行 一个带有上述任务的剧本,条件流是如何解释的?它 运行 像 and 条件吗?


run task 1  when: block conditional & task one conditional satisfies 

run task 2  when: block conditional & task two conditional satisfies


如果您有一个块级别的条件和另一个任务级别的条件,它们都将在任务 运行 时间进行评估。

这也意味着,如果您的任务之一在 运行 期间更改了阻止条件,则每次都会重新评估。举个例子:

- name: Set a block condition true
    block_condition: true

- name: Set a task condition true
    task_condition: true

- block:
    - name: Write a message
        msg: Block and task conditions are true
      when: task_condition | bool
    - name: Change condition
        block_condition: false

    - name: Write a message
        msg: Block condition is true
  when: block_condition | bool

在这种情况下,块的最后一个任务将被跳过,因为 block_condition 将在 运行 时评估为 false