Webextension:从外部 url 访问 json 字典,如何?

Webextension: Access json dictionary from external url, How?

允许浏览器中的网络扩展程序从远程 url 加载 javascript 是可能的(尽管有风险)使用 manifest.json 文件中的以下指令 - 通过包含一些内容喜欢:

"content_security_policy": "script-src 'self' https://example.com; object-src 'self'"


我的问题是如何继续插入远程位于 https://example.com 上的 javascript 源文件?

我在 Firefox 中尝试在扩展代码的顶部添加:

var script_insert='<script src="https://example.com/dict.js"></script>';
document.write( script_insert + '\n' );

其中 dict.js包含:

window.dict_L1C = {
"a" : "hello",
"b" : "world"


Content Security Policy: Ignoring “'unsafe-inline'” within script-src: ‘strict-dynamic’ specified
Content Security Policy: Ignoring “https:” within script-src: ‘strict-dynamic’ specified


更新: 我现在正在查看提供的解决方案here

这就是我如何在网络扩展中设法从https://www.remote-dictionary.com/dict.json 中读取字典的方法。 首先创建包含 permissions 部分的 manifest.js,如下所示:

  "manifest_version": 2,
  "name": "mywebextension",
  "version": "1.0",
  "description": "reads a dictionary from a remote website and uses it on another",

 "background": { "scripts": [ "background.js" ] },

  "content_scripts": [ { "matches": ["*://my-insertion-site.com/*"], "js": [  "content.js" ] } ],

  "permissions": [ "storage",  "https://www.remote-dictionary.com/*" ]

接下来创建访问远程词典的 background.js 文件,然后将其存储在浏览器本地。

if (typeof chrome !== 'undefined') { browser = chrome}

function fetchDict() {
    let req = new Request( "https://www.remote-dictionary.com/dict.json", {
        method: 'GET',
        headers: { 'Accept': 'application/json' },
        redirect: 'follow',
        referrer: 'client'

    fetch(req).then(function(response) {
        // .json returns another promise
        return response.json();
    }).then(function(data) {
        browser.storage.local.set({data: data}); // set storage for content-script
  }).catch(error => { console.log(error); });


content.js 脚本:

if (typeof chrome !== 'undefined') { browser = chrome }

browser.storage.local.get({data: ""},function(data){ // get from local storage 

// later access the dictionary values:
window.dict[ "my_key"];