PHP API 将多个文件上传到 Dropbox

Mulitiple Files upload to Dropbox by PHP API

我尝试使用 Dropbox PHP Api 上传文件。它工作得很好。 Dropbox api 中是否有用于多个文件上传的选项。或 php 中是否存在任何异步上传概念? .目前我正在使用 oauth2.0 进行应用程序登录。

 * Uploads a physical file from disk
 * Dropbox impose a 150MB limit to files uploaded via the API. If the file
 * exceeds this limit or does not exist, an Exception will be thrown
 * @param  string      $file      Absolute path to the file to be uploaded
 * @param  string|bool $filename  The destination filename of the uploaded file
 * @param  string      $path      Path to upload the file to, relative to root
 * @param  boolean     $overwrite Should the file be overwritten? (Default: true)
 * @return object      stdClass
public function putFile($file, $filename = false, $path = '', $overwrite = true)
    if (file_exists($file)) {
        if (filesize($file) <= 157286400) {
            $call = 'files/' . $this->root . '/' . $this->encodePath($path);
            // If no filename is provided we'll use the original filename
            $filename = (is_string($filename)) ? $filename : basename($file);
            $params = array(
                'filename' => $filename,
                'file' => '@' . str_replace('\', '/', $file) . ';filename=' . $filename,
                'overwrite' => (int) $overwrite,

            return $this->fetch('POST', self::CONTENT_URL, $call, $params);

        throw new Exception('File exceeds 150MB upload limit');

    // Throw an Exception if the file does not exist
    throw new Exception('Local file ' . $file . ' does not exist');


Dropbox API 目前不提供任何批量或批处理上传,但我们将此作为功能请求进行跟踪。

在这种情况下,如果您想以异步方式 运行 这段代码,您可以通过 运行 在另一个线程的后台运行它来实现。还有其他帖子涵盖了这一点,例如:

  • php execute a background process
  • How To Run PHP Code In The Background on unix server
  • Running PHP Code in the background with paramaters