Increment the value of a node in the json after converting the xml to json structure
我有一个 xml 当前格式。我使用 python.
中的 xmltodict 库将此 xml 转换为 json
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<status value = "0"/>
<status value = "0"/>
我希望我的 json 字典在我将它发送到 xmltodict
json_tree =
"MyHouse": {
"Tid": "1", --> Need to add this node and its value increments from '1'.
"status": "0", --> This node is added to the root level node ONLY as it
is not in the xml shown above !!
"Garden": {
"Tid": "2", --> Incremeneted to 2
"InfoList": {
"status": {
"@value": "0"
"Flowers": {
"Tid": "3", ---> Incremented to 3
"InfoList": {
"status": {
"@value": "0"
正如我们在上面的 json 结构中看到的,我希望能够添加一个默认的 "status": "0" 到根节点,即 "MyHouse"案例.
我还希望能够为每个节点添加 "Tid",例如 "Garden"、'Flowers'。请注意,[=39= 中可能有更多级别] 但为简单起见,这里没有显示。我想要一个通用的方法。
def add_status(root, el_to_insert):
# Add "id":"#" to the nodes of the xml
for el in root:
if len(list(el)): # check if element has child nodes
el.insert(1, el_to_insert)
el_to_insert = el_to_insert.text + 1 ---> This line of code doesn't seem to work. I want to increment the value of "Tid" everytime its added to the tree?
add_status(el, el_to_insert)
def ConverxmltoJson(target):
xmlConfigFile = ET.parse(target)
root = xmlConfigFile.getroot()
state_el = ET.Element("Tid") # Create `Tid` node, not sure how to add the "status" node to the root "Garden" node.
state_el.text = "0"
root.insert(1, state_el)
add_status(root, state_el)
json_str = xmltodict.parse(ET.tostring(root, encoding="utf8"))
with open("xmlconfig.xml") as xmlConfigFile:
我能够通过以下更改解决我必须 "status" 到根节点和 "Tid" 的部分。
state_el = ET.Element("state") # Create `state` node for root node
state_el.text = "0"
root.insert(1, state_el)
# Adding the Tid node to root level
id_node = ET.Element("Tid") # Create `Tid` node
id_node.text = "0"
root.insert(1, id_node)
我现在有一个新问题并在link开了一个新问题:Updating the "Tid" node value updates to the final value of the global variable
我有一个 xml 当前格式。我使用 python.
中的 xmltodict 库将此 xml 转换为 json<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<status value = "0"/>
<status value = "0"/>
我希望我的 json 字典在我将它发送到 xmltodict
json_tree =
"MyHouse": {
"Tid": "1", --> Need to add this node and its value increments from '1'.
"status": "0", --> This node is added to the root level node ONLY as it
is not in the xml shown above !!
"Garden": {
"Tid": "2", --> Incremeneted to 2
"InfoList": {
"status": {
"@value": "0"
"Flowers": {
"Tid": "3", ---> Incremented to 3
"InfoList": {
"status": {
"@value": "0"
正如我们在上面的 json 结构中看到的,我希望能够添加一个默认的 "status": "0" 到根节点,即 "MyHouse"案例.
我还希望能够为每个节点添加 "Tid",例如 "Garden"、'Flowers'。请注意,[=39= 中可能有更多级别] 但为简单起见,这里没有显示。我想要一个通用的方法。
def add_status(root, el_to_insert):
# Add "id":"#" to the nodes of the xml
for el in root:
if len(list(el)): # check if element has child nodes
el.insert(1, el_to_insert)
el_to_insert = el_to_insert.text + 1 ---> This line of code doesn't seem to work. I want to increment the value of "Tid" everytime its added to the tree?
add_status(el, el_to_insert)
def ConverxmltoJson(target):
xmlConfigFile = ET.parse(target)
root = xmlConfigFile.getroot()
state_el = ET.Element("Tid") # Create `Tid` node, not sure how to add the "status" node to the root "Garden" node.
state_el.text = "0"
root.insert(1, state_el)
add_status(root, state_el)
json_str = xmltodict.parse(ET.tostring(root, encoding="utf8"))
with open("xmlconfig.xml") as xmlConfigFile:
我能够通过以下更改解决我必须 "status" 到根节点和 "Tid" 的部分。
state_el = ET.Element("state") # Create `state` node for root node
state_el.text = "0"
root.insert(1, state_el)
# Adding the Tid node to root level
id_node = ET.Element("Tid") # Create `Tid` node
id_node.text = "0"
root.insert(1, id_node)
我现在有一个新问题并在link开了一个新问题:Updating the "Tid" node value updates to the final value of the global variable