为什么 Visual Studio 代码将 "return super().__init__(self)" 插入派生的 class?

Why does Visual Studio Code insert "return super().__init__(self)" into the derived class?

我明白 __init__() is required to return None,但是当 Visual Studio 为我自动完成派生的 class __init__() 时,它是这样的:

class Base:
    def __init__(self):

class Derived(Base):
    def __init__(self):
        return super().__init__()  # This part is added by VS Code

这显然不是语法问题,因为基础 __init__ 是 returning None,派生的 class 又 return 是嗯

但为什么还要麻烦呢? return 语句在这里有什么作用?

根据 , VS Code seems to do this for all inherited methods, and does not discriminate between __init__() and other methods. An issue has already been filed in the Python Language Server repo. The issue has been fixed.