How to record sound from the microphone?
我正在尝试了解如何使用我的 MacBookPro 从麦克风录制声音。我不确定这是代码问题还是 MacOS 中的隐藏权限问题。
public class AudioLinesTester {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AudioLinesTester.class);
public static void main(String[] args) {
LOGGER.debug("Starting Line tester");
AudioFormat format = new AudioFormat(8000.0f, 8, 1, true, true);
Mixer.Info[] infos = AudioSystem.getMixerInfo();
Map<Line.Info, byte[]> sounds = new HashMap<Line.Info, byte[]>();
Stream.of(infos).forEach(mixerInfo -> {
Mixer mixer = AudioSystem.getMixer(mixerInfo);
Line.Info[] lineInfos = mixer.getTargetLineInfo();
if (lineInfos.length > 0 && lineInfos[0].getLineClass().equals(TargetDataLine.class)) {
// The name of the AudioDevice
LOGGER.debug("Line Name: {}", mixerInfo.getName());
// The type of audio device
LOGGER.debug("Line Description: {}", mixerInfo.getDescription());
for (Line.Info lineInfo : lineInfos) {
LOGGER.debug("\t---{}", lineInfo);
Line line;
try {
line = mixer.getLine(lineInfo);
TargetDataLine microphone = AudioSystem.getTargetDataLine(format, mixerInfo);
microphone.open(format, 100352);
LOGGER.debug("Listening on {}", microphone);
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
int numBytesRead;
int CHUNK_SIZE = 1024;
byte[] data = new byte[microphone.getBufferSize() / 5];
int bytesRead = 0;
try {
// Just so I can test if recording my mic works...
while (bytesRead < 100000) {
numBytesRead = microphone.read(data, 0, CHUNK_SIZE);
bytesRead = bytesRead + numBytesRead;
// LOGGER.debug("Bytes read from the microphone : {} ", bytesRead);
out.write(data, 0, numBytesRead);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("Error trying to read from the microphone", e);
byte[] read = out.toByteArray();
LOGGER.debug("Have read {} bytes: {}", read.length, read);
sounds.put(lineInfo, read);
// microphone.drain();
} catch (LineUnavailableException e) {
LOGGER.error("Something went wrong {}", e);
LOGGER.debug("\t-----{}", line);
sounds.forEach((k,v) -> {
LOGGER.debug("Trying to play the data capture on {}", k);
DataLine.Info info = new DataLine.Info(SourceDataLine.class, format);
LOGGER.debug("Got a new output line: {}", info);
SourceDataLine line;
try {
line = (SourceDataLine) AudioSystem.getLine(info);
line.open(format, v.length);
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
LOGGER.debug("buffer size: {}", line.available());
int written = line.write(v, 0, v.length);
LOGGER.debug("{} bytes written.", written);
long total = System.currentTimeMillis() - now;
LOGGER.debug("{}ms.", total);
} catch (LineUnavailableException e) {
LOGGER.error("Unable to play the sound", e);
LOGGER.debug("Ending Lines tester");
我希望从某些东西中得到一些输出,但我只是得到填充了 0 的字节数组。
好吧,在与笔记本电脑来来回回打了很多次之后...解决方案是安装新版本的 Eclipse,此时 Mac 问我是否想要允许 Java 访问麦克风的权限。
我正在尝试了解如何使用我的 MacBookPro 从麦克风录制声音。我不确定这是代码问题还是 MacOS 中的隐藏权限问题。
public class AudioLinesTester {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AudioLinesTester.class);
public static void main(String[] args) {
LOGGER.debug("Starting Line tester");
AudioFormat format = new AudioFormat(8000.0f, 8, 1, true, true);
Mixer.Info[] infos = AudioSystem.getMixerInfo();
Map<Line.Info, byte[]> sounds = new HashMap<Line.Info, byte[]>();
Stream.of(infos).forEach(mixerInfo -> {
Mixer mixer = AudioSystem.getMixer(mixerInfo);
Line.Info[] lineInfos = mixer.getTargetLineInfo();
if (lineInfos.length > 0 && lineInfos[0].getLineClass().equals(TargetDataLine.class)) {
// The name of the AudioDevice
LOGGER.debug("Line Name: {}", mixerInfo.getName());
// The type of audio device
LOGGER.debug("Line Description: {}", mixerInfo.getDescription());
for (Line.Info lineInfo : lineInfos) {
LOGGER.debug("\t---{}", lineInfo);
Line line;
try {
line = mixer.getLine(lineInfo);
TargetDataLine microphone = AudioSystem.getTargetDataLine(format, mixerInfo);
microphone.open(format, 100352);
LOGGER.debug("Listening on {}", microphone);
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
int numBytesRead;
int CHUNK_SIZE = 1024;
byte[] data = new byte[microphone.getBufferSize() / 5];
int bytesRead = 0;
try {
// Just so I can test if recording my mic works...
while (bytesRead < 100000) {
numBytesRead = microphone.read(data, 0, CHUNK_SIZE);
bytesRead = bytesRead + numBytesRead;
// LOGGER.debug("Bytes read from the microphone : {} ", bytesRead);
out.write(data, 0, numBytesRead);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("Error trying to read from the microphone", e);
byte[] read = out.toByteArray();
LOGGER.debug("Have read {} bytes: {}", read.length, read);
sounds.put(lineInfo, read);
// microphone.drain();
} catch (LineUnavailableException e) {
LOGGER.error("Something went wrong {}", e);
LOGGER.debug("\t-----{}", line);
sounds.forEach((k,v) -> {
LOGGER.debug("Trying to play the data capture on {}", k);
DataLine.Info info = new DataLine.Info(SourceDataLine.class, format);
LOGGER.debug("Got a new output line: {}", info);
SourceDataLine line;
try {
line = (SourceDataLine) AudioSystem.getLine(info);
line.open(format, v.length);
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
LOGGER.debug("buffer size: {}", line.available());
int written = line.write(v, 0, v.length);
LOGGER.debug("{} bytes written.", written);
long total = System.currentTimeMillis() - now;
LOGGER.debug("{}ms.", total);
} catch (LineUnavailableException e) {
LOGGER.error("Unable to play the sound", e);
LOGGER.debug("Ending Lines tester");
我希望从某些东西中得到一些输出,但我只是得到填充了 0 的字节数组。
好吧,在与笔记本电脑来来回回打了很多次之后...解决方案是安装新版本的 Eclipse,此时 Mac 问我是否想要允许 Java 访问麦克风的权限。