vba 从单元格值中提取两个特殊字符之间的单词的程序

vba program to extract word between two special caracters from cells value

我有一个包含数百行的 .xlsm 文档,我想根据 B 列设置 C 列的值。

例如: B1 包含“+创建的新节点‘145872-12547-4885’”



Sub extract()

    Dim N As Long, i As Long, j As Long

    N = Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row

    j = 1

    For i = 1 To N

           If Left(Cells(i, "B"), 11) = " + New node" Then

           Cells(j, "C").Value = Mid(Cells(i, "B"), InStr(1, Cells(i, "B").Value, "'") + 1, Len(Cells(i, "B")) - InStr(1, Cells(i, "B").Value, "'") - 1)

            j = j + 1

          End If

    Next i

End Sub



enter image description here 因为我也需要提取以 "SEL_AFFILIATE" 结尾的单元格开头的代码,而且我不知道如何使用 SPLIT 来完成 这是我的代码:

Sub extract()

Dim N As Long, i As Long, j As Long, s As String

N = Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row

j = 1

For i = 1 To N

        s = Cells(i, "B").Text

            If Left(s, 11) = " + New node" Then

                Cells(j, "C").Value = Split("'" & s, "'")(2)

                j = j + 1

            End If

            'If Right(s, 14) = "SEL_AFFILIATE " Then

               ' Cells(j, "C").Value = Split("" & s, ".")(2)

               ' j = j + 1

            'End If          
Next i
End Sub

你可以使用 Split():

Sub extract()

    Dim N As Long, i As Long, j As Long, s As String

    N = Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row

    j = 1

    For i = 1 To N
            s = Cells(i, "B").Text
           If Left(s, 11) = " + New node" Then
                Cells(j, "C").Value = Split("'" & s, "'")(2)
            j = j + 1
          End If
    Next i

End Sub


有关 Split() 函数的说明,请参阅:



Sub extract()

Dim N As Long, i As Long, j As Long, s As String

N = Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).row

For i = 1 To N

        s = Cells(i, "B").Text

            If Left(s, 11) = " + New node" Then

                Cells(i, "B").Offset(0, 1).Value = Split("'" & s, "'")(2)

            End If

            If Right(s, 14) = "SEL_AFFILIATE " Then

                Cells(i, "B").Offset(0, 1).Value = Split(s, ".")(0)

            End If

Next i

End Sub

现在我想提取单元格内容的结尾如果开头 = "In File"

This is my cell


        If Left(s, 8) = " In File" Then

            Cells(i, "B").Offset(0, 1).Value = Split(",", s)(0)

        End If