缩放一组多边形以监视 WPF 中的分辨率

Scaling a set of polygons to monitor resolution in WPF

我有一个非 DPI 感知 WPF 应用程序,我想在其中绘制一组无边框的多边形 window 以完全适合显示器。我有一个算法可以根据任何给定的分辨率缩放和绘制多边形。在我的设置中,我有一个 4K 显示器和一个全高清显示器并排放置。我的 4K 显示器的比例设置为 150%,全高清显示器设置为 100%。对于 4K 显示器,这意味着如果我将 windows 宽度和高度设置为 3840x2160,则实际渲染分辨率为 2560x1440。现在,如果我将我的多边形集缩放到 4K,多边形将在 canvas 和 window 之外呈现。我怀疑这是因为多边形不知道我的 4K 显示器的 DPI 设置。如果我在我的 FullHD 显示器上绘制多边形,它们非常适合,因为显示器比例设置为 100%。


部分有效。由于我的应用程序是非 DPI 感知的(请注意,我不愿意让它感知 DPI,因为这会引入一组全新的问题),任何检索显示器 DPI 的方法都会导致两个显示器都获得 144 (150%)。这导致多边形非常适合我的 4K 显示器,但它们在我的全高清显示器上会缩放得太小。我尝试了以下检索 DPI 的方法:GetDpiForMonitor 来自 Shcore.dllVisualTreeHelperMatrixes。请注意,如果我将我的应用程序设置为 DPI 感知,这些方法确实有效,但我不能为引入的所有额外工作这样做。

当我将 canvas 宽度和高度设置为 3840x2160 时,ViewBox 不会自动缩小内容(ViewBox 要求其内容 canvas 具有设置的宽度和高度)。

我的意思是我需要访问某种 API 类型的 return 我的 4K 显示器的分辨率为 2560x1440。我试过经典的 Windows.Forms.Screen API 以及较新的 WindowsDispalyAPI。但是对于我的 4K 显示器,两者总是 return 4K 分辨率。




这是一个 xaml 无边框 window 示例,它在缩放比例为 150% 的 4K 屏幕上重现了该问题:

<Window x:Class="Test.Views.FullscreenPolygon"
        mc:Ignorable="d" Width="3840" Height="2160"
        WindowStyle="None" AllowsTransparency="True" Background="Transparent">
        <Canvas x:Name="CanvasArea">
            <Polygon Points="2888,0 3360,2140 3840,0" Fill="Black"></Polygon>
            <Polygon Points="1920,20 1450,2160 2400,2160" Fill="Black"></Polygon>

如您所见,两个多边形(三角形)都经过缩放以适应 window 的 4K 分辨率。 window 本身呈现为 2560x1440,因为显示器缩放比例为 150%。然而,多边形在其外部呈现,部分呈现在我的第二个屏幕上。

编辑2: 感谢 Jeff,使用他的 project.

中的 GetScreenScaleFactorNonDpiAware 方法让它工作

我有时需要考虑屏幕缩放,正如 AlwaysLearning 指出的那样,我不得不导入和使用 user32.dll,因为我也使用 4K 显示器,但我的显示器缩放到 125%。我为此创建了一个单独的 class。

我有一个测试程序可以利用这个 class。这是测试输出:

             monitor name| \.\DISPLAY2
               native dpi| 96
               screen dpi| 120
             scale factor| 1.25
           scaling factor| 0.8
       native screen size| {X=0,Y=0,Width=3840,Height=2160}
       scaled screen size| {X=0,Y=0,Width=3072,Height=1728}


logMsgLn2("monitor name", ScreenParameters.GetMonitorName(this));
logMsgLn2("native dpi", ScreenParameters.GetNativeScreenDpi);
logMsgLn2("screen dpi", ScreenParameters.GetScreenDpi(this));
logMsgLn2("scale factor", ScreenParameters.GetScreenScaleFactor(this));
logMsgLn2("scaling factor", ScreenParameters.GetScreenScalingFactor(this));
logMsgLn2("native screen size", ScreenParameters.GetNativeScreenSize(this));
logMsgLn2("scaled screen size", ScreenParameters.GetScaledScreenSize(this));


public class ScreenParameters
    private const double NativeScreenDpi = 96.0;
    private const int CCHDEVICENAME = 32;

    // private method to get the handle of the window
    // this keeps this class contained / not dependant
    public static double GetNativeScreenDpi
        get => (int) NativeScreenDpi;

    public static string GetMonitorName(Window win)
        MONITORINFOEX mi = GetMonitorInfo(GetWindowHandle(win));

        return mi.DeviceName;

    private static IntPtr GetWindowHandle(Window win)
        return new WindowInteropHelper(win).Handle;

    // the actual screen DPI adjusted for the scaling factor
    public static double GetScreenDpi(Window win)
        return GetDpiForWindow(GetWindowHandle(win));

    // this is the ratio of the current screen Dpi
    // and the base Dpi
    public static double GetScreenScaleFactor(Window win)
        return (GetScreenDpi(win)  / NativeScreenDpi);

    // this is the conversion factor between screen coordinates 
    // and sizes and their actual actual coordinate and size
    // e.g. for a screen set to 125%, this factor applied 
    // to the native screen dimensions, will provide the 
    // actual screen dimensions
    public static double GetScreenScalingFactor(Window win)
        return (1 / (GetScreenDpi(win)  / NativeScreenDpi));

    // get the dimensions of the physical / native screen
    // ignoring any applied scaling
    public static Rectangle GetNativeScreenSize(Window win)
        MONITORINFOEX mi = GetMonitorInfo(GetWindowHandle(win));

        return ConvertRectToRectangle(mi.rcMonitor);

    // get the screen dimensions taking the screen scaling into account
    public static Rectangle GetScaledScreenSize2(Window win)
        double ScalingFactor = GetScreenScalingFactor(win);

        Rectangle rc = GetNativeScreenSize(win);

        if (ScalingFactor == 1) return rc;

        return rc.Scale(ScalingFactor);

    public static Rectangle GetScaledScreenSize(Window win)
        double dpi = GetScreenDpi(win);

        Rectangle rc = GetNativeScreenSize(win);

        return ScaleForDpi(rc, dpi);

    internal static MONITORINFOEX GetMonitorInfo(IntPtr ptr)
        IntPtr hMonitor = MonitorFromWindow(ptr, 0);

        GetMonitorInfo(hMonitor, ref mi);

        return mi;

    #region + Utility methods

    public static Rectangle ConvertRectToRectangle(RECT rc)
        return new Rectangle(rc.Top, rc.Left, 
            rc.Right - rc.Left, rc.Bottom - rc.Top);

    public static System.Drawing.Point ScaleForDpi(System.Drawing.Point pt, double dpi)
        double factor = NativeScreenDpi / dpi;

        return new System.Drawing.Point((int) (pt.X * factor), (int) (pt.Y * factor));

    public static Point ScaleForDpi(Point pt, double dpi)
        double factor = NativeScreenDpi / dpi;

        return new Point(pt.X * factor, pt.Y * factor);

    public static Size ScaleForDpi(Size size, double dpi)
        double factor = NativeScreenDpi / dpi;

        return new Size(size.Width * factor, size.Height * factor);

    public static System.Drawing.Size ScaleForDpi(System.Drawing.Size size, double dpi)
        double factor = NativeScreenDpi / dpi;

        return new System.Drawing.Size((int) (size.Width * factor), (int) (size.Height * factor));

    public static Rectangle ScaleForDpi(Rectangle rc, double dpi)
        double factor = NativeScreenDpi / dpi;

        return new Rectangle(ScaleForDpi(rc.Location, dpi),
                ScaleForDpi(rc.Size, dpi));


    #region + Dll Imports

    internal static extern UInt16 GetDpiForWindow(IntPtr hwnd);

    internal static extern IntPtr MonitorFromWindow(IntPtr hwnd, uint dwFlags);

    [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
    internal static extern bool GetMonitorInfo(IntPtr hMonitor, ref MONITORINFOEX lpmi);

    internal static extern UInt16 GetProcessDpiAwareness(IntPtr hwnd);


    #region + Dll Enums

    internal enum dwFlags : uint


    #region + Dll Structs

    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
    internal struct MONITORINFOEX
        public uint    cbSize;
        public RECT    rcMonitor;
        public RECT    rcWorkArea;
        public dwFlags Flags;

        [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = CCHDEVICENAME)]
        public string DeviceName;

        public void Init()
            this.cbSize     = 40 + 2 * CCHDEVICENAME;
            this.DeviceName = String.Empty;

    public struct RECT
        public int Left;
        public int Top;
        public int Right;
        public int Bottom;



为了将来参考,我稍微更新了代码以允许非 DPI 感知监视器。我将更新后的代码放在这里 ScreenParameters