xlsxwriter 公式 SLOPE、INTERCEPT 不起作用

xlsxwriter formulas SLOPE, INTERCEPT do not work

有谁知道为什么?我用 write_formula:

slopeFormula = "=SLOPE(H96:H100;E96:E100)"
ws.write_formula("D105", slopeFormula)
interceptFormula = "=INTERCEPT(H96:H100;E96:E100)"
ws.write_formula("D106", interceptFormula)

我直接在 Excel 中尝试了这些公式,效果很好。但是当我通过 Python 插入它们时,工作簿变得不可读:

Excel could not open file.xlsx because some content is unreadable. Do you want to open and repair this workbook?



来自write_formula() docs:

Also, formulas must be written with the US style separator/range operator which is a comma (not semi-colon). Therefore a formula with multiple values should be written as follows:

worksheet.write_formula('A1', '=SUM(1, 2, 3)')  # OK
worksheet.write_formula('A2', '=SUM(1; 2; 3)')  # NO. Error on load.