函数模板特化 - 错误 - ISO C++ 禁止声明没有类型的“参数”

function template specialization - error - ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘parameter’ with no type

这是示例代码(第 700 页,来自 C++ 编程:一种面向对象的方法,作者 Forouzan 和 Gilberg。

据我了解,是为了解释function template specialization,我看过很多人说要避免这种情况而支持overloadingtraits class(不管是什么),我想还有其他方法——所以我不打算花太多时间在上面,但我想学习它。 @Roger Pate 提供了一个很好的 link 答案,我仍在吸收(在 link 下面的类似问题中):http://www.gotw.ca/publications/mill17.htm

 1 #include <iostream>
 2 #include <string>
 3 #include <cstring>
 4 using namespace std;
 6 // Template Function
 7 template <typename T> 
 8 T smaller(const T& first, const T& second)
 9 {
10         if (first < second)
11         {
12                 return first;
13         }
14         return second;
15 }
17 // Specialization of template function (previously defined)
18 // a C-style string is of type: const char* 
19 // so replace every "T" with that
20 template <> 
21 const char* smaller (const (const char*) & first, const (const char*) & second)
22 //const char* smaller<>(const (const char*)& first, const (const char*)& second)
23 //const char* smaller<const char*>(const (const char*)& first, const (const char*)& second)
24 {
25         if (strcmp (first, second ) < 0)
26         {
27                 return first;
28         }
29         return second;
30 }
32 int main ( )
33 {
35         // Calling template with two string objects
36         string str1 = "Hello";
37         string str2 = "Hi";
38         cout << "Smaller (Hello , Hi): " << smaller (str1, str2) << endl;
40         //Calling template function with two C-string objects
41         const char* s1 = "Bye";
42         const char* s2 = "Bye Bye";
43         cout << "Smaller (Bye, Bye Bye)" << smaller (s1, s2) << endl;
44 //      cout << "Smaller (Bye, Bye Bye)" << smaller<>(s1, s2) << endl;
45 //      cout << "Smaller (Bye, Bye Bye)" << smaller<const char*>(s1, s2) << endl;
47         return 0;
48 }
51 /*
52 The operator < is not defined for a C-style string, meaning we cannot use the template
53 function to find the smaller of the two C-style strings.
54 This operator is defined in the library "string", and so overloads the operator
55 */


* Template function definition with specialization *
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;

// Template Function
template <typename T>
T smaller (const T& first, const T& second)
  if (first < second)
    return first;
  return second;

// Specialization of template function
template <>
const char* smaller (const (const char*) & first, const (const char*) & second)
  if (strcmp (first, second ) < 0)
    return first;
  return second;

int main ( )
  // Calling template with two string objects
  string str1 = "Hello";
  string str2 = "Hi";
  cout << "Smaller (Hello , Hi): " << smaller (str1, str2) << endl;

  //Calling template function with two C-string objects
  const char* s1 = "Bye";
  const char* s2 = "Bye Bye";
  cout << "Smaller (Bye, Bye Bye)" << smaller (s1, s2) << endl;

  return 0;


2120|1|root@sbh ~/CODING/CppTemplate # Sun 11 08 2019, 08:53:15 
 /usr/bin/gcc-8 --version
gcc-8 (Debian 8.3.0-19) 8.3.0
Copyright (C) 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO


2122|1|root@sbh ~/CODING/CppTemplate # Sun 11 08 2019, 08:56:33 
 g++-8 -Wall -O -std=c++2a templateSpecialization.cpp -o templateSpecialization.out 
templateSpecialization.cpp:21:42: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘parameter’ with no type [-fpermissive]
 const char* smaller (const (const char*) & first, const (const char*) & second)
templateSpecialization.cpp:21:44: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘first’
 const char* smaller (const (const char*) & first, const (const char*) & second)
templateSpecialization.cpp:21:13: error: template-id ‘smaller<>’ for ‘const char* smaller(const int (*)(const char*))’ does not match any template declaration
 const char* smaller (const (const char*) & first, const (const char*) & second)
templateSpecialization.cpp:8:3: note: candidate is: ‘template<class T> T smaller(const T&, const T&)’
 T smaller(const T& first, const T& second)

我注意到这个问题,它的答案具有相同的功能精神,Function template specialization importance and necessity by https://whosebug.com/users/124797/jagannath @jagannath ;

template<typename T>
bool Less(T a, T b)
    cout << "version 1 ";
    return a < b;
// Function templates can't be partially specialized they can overload instead.
template<typename T>
bool Less(T* a, T* b)
    cout << "version 2 ";
    return *a < *b;

bool Less<>(const char* lhs, const char* rhs)
    cout << "version 3 ";
    return strcmp(lhs, rhs) < 0;

int a = 5, b = 6;

cout << Less<int>(a, b) << endl;
cout << Less<int>(&a, &b) << endl;
cout << Less("abc", "def") << endl;

而且我似乎正在对我的 function template 进行所有相同的修改,例如将每个 "T" 替换为 "const char*" 例如,第 22 和 23 行。

我阅读了一些关于编译器的内容 'deducing' 使用什么,所以我尝试在调用中在函数名称后添加方括号(第 44 和 45 行)。

我确定这很简单,可能在其他地方也有介绍,但我找不到它。甚至可能是 class 模板上下文中的解释,但我刚刚开始学习模板,这是我所了解的(即那本书中的第 700 页)。

甚至这个问题 似乎也有类似的问题 does not match any template declaration 但我还是觉得我遵循了这个模式,如第 21 行(作者的)和我的第 22 行和第 23 行。

PS: 我认为这无关紧要,但我的环境可能有点奇怪...


template <>
const char* smaller (const char* const &first , const char* const &second);


using cstring_t = const char*;
template <>
const char* smaller (const cstring_t& first, const cstring_t& second);

对于第一种情况,const char* const &,如果使用"east const"表示法:

char const * const &

您可以从右向左阅读:"Reference to a constant pointer to a constant char"。不需要括号。
